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Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc from the Kellar's Keep Quest Pack.

Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby wallydubbs » Monday November 25th, 2019 7:32am

Jalapenotrellis wrote:Lol! Hodor! (I have seen all of GoT twice in 2 years).

We will be playing this quest soon--was reading through. I noticed you could just bring out 4 chaos warriors immediately followed by any other heavy hitting monster. The downside is the heavy hitters move slower. Has anyone thought through optimizing which monsters to bring out first and what order?

Twice in 2 years? Man, that show was a bit of a let down... the writers ruined the show after they ran out of source material. Read the books, so much better and sensical. George RR Martin is a genius for putting all that together; Benioff and Weiss are like Dumb and dumber.

It might be best to send down Goblins and Orcs on the first wave. They can cover the most ground in 1 turn. If you're lucky the skeletons in the middle room can hold off the rest of the heroes long enough for your greenskins to get in. Then you could send down some Chaos Warriors in the 2nd Wave.
However the heroes can go by the Hold the Door strategy and keep you from entering at all, at which point it's best to have a Chaos Warrior lead the charge.
But if you're willing to bend the rules you can send a Giant Wolf down (from the Elf Quest Pack) at the start of the line...

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Monday November 25th, 2019 3:05pm

Lol I don't think the giant wolf would be fair at this point.

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby lestodante » Monday November 25th, 2019 4:21pm

If I was the Dwarf I would step 2 tiles back to prevent being attacked by many monsters at once in the same turn!
I'd place the Dwarf over the secret door and at his side one hero with diagonal attack (crossbow anyone?) to help while the other 2 complete the quest.

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday November 27th, 2019 4:35pm

Jalapenotrellis wrote:Lol I don't think the giant wolf would be fair at this point.

Why not? The heroes should already be maxed out at this point. The heroes aren't expected to fight every monster that comes down the hallway, at this point they're expected to flee.

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Wednesday November 27th, 2019 4:38pm

Because introducing something they haven't even seen at all during a quest like this seems out of place. Do giant wolves even hang out in the deep tunnels of a mountain? I thought they were in the ice and snow.

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday November 27th, 2019 4:59pm

Jalapenotrellis wrote:Because introducing something they haven't even seen at all during a quest like this seems out of place. Do giant wolves even hang out in the deep tunnels of a mountain? I thought they were in the ice and snow.

No actually, they don't feature in the Frozen Horror quest pack at all(which takes place in the ice and snow), they're from the Elf Quest Pack, which is more marshy (or so i gather from the one quest with the quick sand).
For me, if the heroes are doing well enough, I'd surprise them with something they wouldn't expect.
But I guess they wouldn't be expecting a whole army in the first place...

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby Daedalus » Saturday August 21st, 2021 5:50am

Daedalus wrote:. . . Looking at the Dwarf holding back such a huge throng of flesh, I gotta think some kind of pushing opposed-roll is in order to move a figure one or more squares back in place of a regular attack.. . .

I know there's added complication with this tactic, but it cures a big problem that stagnates the action of the game- namely door-defending. In my opinion, the game would benefit from a more dynamic flow of combat at choke points.

While I still feel the same, a simpler method than the two I have presented earlier is in order:

    In a group of figures, monsters lined up together that take no action may sometimes push Heroes and vice versa. To do so, the pushers compare their total Body Points to that of the opposing pushed figures. If greater, the pushing side moves forward, moving the pushed figure and those behind it back one square. If this isn't possible, instead move the first pushed figure possible in the same way to the side.
Moving back one square was chosen for simplicity and because it closely parallels the existing forced movement of a falling-block trap. Here's a partially diagramed example using drathe's pics of the OP:

      ………………………………… :orc:
      ………………………………… :orc:
      ……………………………….… :fimir:
      ………………………………… :chaoswarrior:
      __ :orc: [] :orc: :fimir: :fimir: :fimir: :chaoswarrior: :dwarf: []__\__

Either line of monsters might be able to push the Dwarf back out the door, depending on his BPs. The bottom line with more muscle has 8 BPs (1+1+2+2+2) even if the Chaos Warrior attacks, so Zargon could use them to push the Chaos Warrior and Dwarf to the right, backing the Dwarf out of the room. However, the top line couldn't force a 7 BP-Dwarf out of the door even if the Chaos Warrior didn't attack since their highest total of 7 BPs (1+1+2+3) isn't greater than the Dwarf's BPs. However, they could force a Dwarf reduced to 6 BPs out of the door if the Chaos Warrior didn't attack.

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby LucaRocks » Thursday February 9th, 2023 6:44pm

I am a bit confused on the instructions in this quest about the monsters you can or can't use when you are rolling for the ones coming through the iron door. Maybe it's because I have the Mythic Tier but I am not sure how many monsters I can legally throw on the board since I have extras of each.

I guess what I'm asking is, how many monsters of each kind are in the base game with Kellar's Keep included? I guess I'm supposed to subtract the monsters listed in the quest from the total in the base + Kellar's? Thanks for your help guys!
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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby Nlinindoll » Thursday February 9th, 2023 8:31pm

I think the entire point of that quest is that an unrelenting horde is chasing the heroes out the back door. They should keep coming and coming. Even as heroes kill a couple in the front, you add them to the pool that you can re-add to the entrance door. So, add all the green skins that you have or as many as you can based on your roll that turn. There is no limit!

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Re: Hall of the Dwarven Kings (image heavy)

Postby LucaRocks » Friday February 10th, 2023 8:00am

Thanks for the input. I can see how that would work but I wanted clarification as to the rules as written. I totally want to throw as many monsters as possible in there, but I'd like to make sure I understand the basic rules before I go changing them around. Thanks again
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