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Daedalus wrote:Push Back
When a figure loses one or more Body Points during a melee fight, an attacker may choose to use the momentum of the attack to push that opponent back or to the side one square. If there's a wall or other immovable object behind or next to the opponent, pushing back in that direction is not possible. Figures also count as immovable objects if their number, including the defending opponent, exceeds the Body Points lost from the attack. If instead the total number of figures is less than or equal to the Body Points lost, then they may all be pushed in the same direction. Push Back isn't possible if the defending opponent is killed.
A Barbarian, flanked by the Dwarf, Elf, and Wizard guards a doorway against a group of 3 Fimiri who want to get to the Elf and Wizard. A Fimir facing the Barbarian hits for 1 BP of damage. As the Dwarf and Barbarian together (2) is greater than 1 BP, the Barbarian can't be moved (the Dwarf kindly pushes him back into the doorway). Zargon moves the Fimir to the side, allowing a second Fimir to attack. It pastes the Barbarian for 2 BP of damage. That's equal to or greater than 2 figures, so the Fimir pushes back the Barbarian and the Dwarf to the left. A third Fimir enthusiastically jumps forward next to the Elf to attack.
A lucky attack may push back an opponent and up to 3 figures with a Battle Axe, possibly more if a Potion of Strength is used. Awesome power and luck can change the direction of a battle in truly heroic ways with this modification.
I'm in favor of requiring normal movement to advance into an emptied square. That means it may take more than one turn to advance into a room or corroidor as a Hero moves back into the vacated square to attack on his turn. I don't see this as a problem, as extra monsters can advance to the vacated square on Morcar's/Zargon's turn before this happens.
drathe wrote:Some time toward the end of January, I played a great quest. In fact, it's been my favourite quest thus far. I always get a kick out of the Heroes running from a horde of continuous monsters. Especially when one stands heroically as a meat shield, ever dying as the other Heroes scramble to complete the goal and find the exit.
I played the same quest again with a second group. It was great fun as well. Amazingly, the Barbarian continuously beat back the hordes all they way back until only 14 of the hordes remained on the board, pinned between the the Barbarian's blood covered sword and the great iron door from whence they came. Clonk the Barbarian fearlessly stepped up each time, preventing any new monsters from passing into the Hall of the Dwarven Kings. His comrades ventured through the rest of the quest, found the second piece of Grin's Stone Map and escaped into the Great Citadel. The Barbarian made a hasty retreat, stopping where necessary to catch a breath and chop a head. With the Talisman of Lore sparkling across his blood spattered chest, he was intelligent enough to know which stops to make, ensure he was never surrounded, or took more than one set of beatings per turn. In the end, he made it safely through the wooden exit door to rejoin his companions. Truly a great quest for all!
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