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Greetings and salutations.

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Greetings and salutations.

Postby totally » Sunday July 30th, 2023 7:13pm

I've been registered for some time, but have not contributed anything to the forums. As I am working on assembling a print and play version of the game and painting miniatures I realize the time is now to start diving deeper into the assembled knowledge shared here.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful site with me.
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Joined: Sunday April 4th, 2021 4:38pm
Forum Language: British English
Evil Sorcerer: Zargon


Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!

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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.

Re: Greetings and salutations.

Postby Daedalus » Friday August 4th, 2023 5:55am

Yay (or should it be Yea?) for the Inn serving its purpose--thanks, drathe!

Wizard of Zargon Group Member Grin's Stone Map Played a turn in five (5) Play-by-Post games. Created a Hot Topic. Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy!Crushed a powerful Chaos Warrior! Smashed a massive Gargoyle! Encountered all eight (8) Game System monsters. Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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Dread Ruleslawyer

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