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Alternative game play similar to Dungeon!

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Alternative game play similar to Dungeon!

Postby kg8jk » Wednesday April 13th, 2022 2:01pm

I had been thinking about creating a dungeon crawl game of my own but a friend brought HeroQuest to the house a few weeks ago and it was so fun that I made my own extra large board (60" x 40") for playing here with my boys. Anyway, I think I can use the HQ board and cards to play the game I was thinking about before. I am going to use the monster cards from this site along with cards for treasure, traps (made my own cards for those), potions, etc.

The idea is to shuffle the monster cards and put one face down in every room setting aside the rest for wandering monsters. Each player will start in the center room (no monster there). I am going to separate the good effects (spells, potions, etc) into one pile and players will randomly take three cards each. Then I will mix all the remaining good cards with the bad cards and those will go into the treasure pile.

The object of the game is to try and defeat as many monsters as possible until all the rooms have been emptied. When a monster is defeated, the player takes 1 treasure card for each body point the monster had. If the PC loses all their body points, they must return to the center and leave half their treasure card in the room with the monster (for whomever defeats that monster - who regains all body points). The PC loses one turn but then returns to the game with full body points. PCs can regain 2 body points if they enter an empty room and wait for a turn there. PCs can form alliances to attack stronger monsters.

The game ends when all the monsters have been defeated.

Haven't tried it yet but hope to soon. If you give it a try let me know what you think. Basically it is like Dungeon! but not so complicated. I like the HQ board and game mechanics better too.
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Re: Alternative game play similar to Dungeon!

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday April 13th, 2022 2:47pm

Fascinating! I would love to try play-testing this some time.

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Re: Alternative game play similar to Dungeon!

Postby StratosVX » Wednesday April 13th, 2022 5:50pm

I liked playing Dungeon when I was a kid. The only thing I didn't like about it was the fact that it seemed impossible to beat. But that game also has more rooms and some ridiculously hard monsters. I'm a fan of this idea.

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