by Kurgan » Tuesday January 26th, 2021 3:20am
20) To avoid enemies, just step outside the room they're in... they cannot follow! Spells don't require direct LOS as expected in EU rules... I cast sleep on an orc who just was in the same room, and I healed another Hero in the same room with Healbody). Genie seems to require LOS as it was "wasted" when I tried using it to attack a monster that wasn't direct LOS. Overall the game is very easy, probably the easiest version of HQ you will ever play, once you know how the mechanics work.
21) A "sleeping" enemy in the room still prevents a treasure search while in the same room (no animation for the sleep effect either).
22) A monster in the same corridor, that is separated from a Hero's LOS by a blocked square, prevents a treasure search (that monster will stupidly try to run into the wall to get at you, and fail).
23) Leaving a quest early means your body and mind points aren't automatically restored between quests. You can "renew" your character to do this manually, but it also resets your gold.
24) Dwarf begins with a Toolkit. When he searches for and finds a furniture trap, it is automatically disarmed. Other types of traps seem to require you to stand next to it (or be in or on top of the pit) to "fix" it. Update: You can actually "fix" a Pit Trap in the same room/section of corridor without being next to it, you just need a toolkit. I presume that the Dwarf still has a better chance of disarming, but I have no way of verifying that short of a statement from the developers or a peek at the code.
25) Shortsword can NOT attack diagonally. You'll need the spear or staff for that!
26) Equipping your gear: You CAN switch weapons on your turn. Go to your inventory pouch, click on the one you want, then do it. For example to use the crossbow, even though you have a few swords, switch to that and your ranged attack will work. In the same way you can click on the combinations of armor you want to equip. This lets you choose the shield or switch between types of armor. When you buy a new piece of equipment it is not automatically equipped. This also explains the shield combination.
27) There's a key icon that let's you open a door (and reveal what is inside) without stepping through the door. As expected, this doesn't waste an action.
28) A treasure chest contains treasure (except when it doesn't). And you don't have to go up to a chest to search it, just have to be in the same room.
29) Searching sections of corridors for treasure also means you can search around corners in some cases. Whatever section is on camera gets searched!
30) In some situations Heroes can pass through each other. If you're both in the same room, and one is standing in the doorway, you can walk through him to leave the room. But if the other Hero is standing just offscreen in a corridor, he blocks you.
31) You can fire a crossbow diagonally across a table at an enemy on the other side. Doesn't have to be direct LOS, just in the same room. This weapon is absolutely devastating, because you can stand in a doorway and shoot all of the monsters in the room and they're powerless to confront you, unless one of them happened to start on the square opposite the door (have to be at least one square away to fire). I have seen some crazy examples of shooting enemies from very far away round corners, it seems like being in any part of a room is equivalent to being in the doorway for purposes of aiming. But you still can't fire unless you are at least one square away from the target. I've even shot monsters straight though single blocked squares (the squares seem only to hinder movement and possibly the Genie spell, otherwise it's like they're not even there). To test: I forgot to check if the crossbow can hit the four direct diagonal squares...
32) There might be a gold bonus for completing three quests (to become a Champion, as Mentor's introduction portrays), but I could be wrong (wasn't paying attention to my gold).
33) Found my first pit trap. I searched and found it, tried to use my toolkit but it wouldn't let me disarm it saying there was nothing it could be used on. With the tool kit selected, I stood on top of the trap and it said the floor creaks but holds. Standing on top of the open hole, I clicked my tool kit in the pouch and it said I "fixed" it. You can fix a pit trap after falling into it. Have to click the toolkit off and then on again to use it.
34) In Prince Magnus' gold, you have the option to return the chest or keep it (becoming an outlaw?). It takes awhile but you can clean up on gold with a solo Hero, by getting rewarded 200 gold for each chest returned. Wear plate armor while carrying a chest doesn't slow you down extra than you already are.
35) If you click on Holy Water it is instantly wasted if there are no Undead monsters in the room/corridor.
36) When you search and find the "Nothing" treasure, it doesn't let you search again (this room has already been searched).
37) Unarmed combat: I checked Legacy of the Orc warlord, and it's all goofed up. Even though you're supposed to be without your equipment, your character sprite is still carrying a weapon, and you still have your "base" attack, meaning you only lose spells and any purchased equipment.
38) Apparently to jump a trap you have to have enough movement and click the square beyond the trap to jump it, but of course you could fail and fall in (I haven't tried this yet).
39) Sir Ragnar can apparently roll the equivalent of 2 dice (I see "12" appear as a number on the spinning coin, though usually he rolls a 7, which is still more than he can in the regular game!). He also has SIX MIND POINTS (we never knew how many in the original game, and I guess this is to make it harder to kill him with your magic). He has his usual 2 Body points, and using a healing spell on him restores him back to 2. Killing him (try Genie spell) just means you fail the quest (you can exit, but no reward is given). Hey.. it's the EU version and he was a traitor anyway...
40) A spear is definitely lost when thrown (and isn't recoverable, it is just gone from your inventory). You CAN combine it with a shield.
41) Spells: I'm not sure how Veil of Mist works in this version... I don't seem to be able to pass through monsters when it is cast on me. Maybe it prevents you from being attacked for a turn?
42) As expected, there doesn't appear to be any way to trade items or share gold. In the "Armory" a Hero can only purchase items for himself.
44) Graphically, this game doesn't seem to use the "hook-sword" Orc or the Chaos Warlock... for special monsters it instead uses the Gargoyle sprite (yes, even for the Orc Warlord, Stone Chaos Warrior or Witch Lord!). Sir Ragnar however has his own unique sprite (on the mini-map his icon is the same as one of the Heroes though). The Hero sprites never change, regardless of what equipment they are using, so your only attack animation variants are a strike or firing an arrow (for any ranged attack). No animations for spells. Chaos Warriors lack the little "ball" on their helmets joining the horns. There don't seem to be weapon variants among monsters (all Orcs have cleavers, etc). So Barbarian always appears to be carrying a two handed sword, Wizard always carrying a staff, Dwarf always a hand axe and Elf always a short (?) sword.
45) Mummies get a lot more movement (I saw one move 6 squares)!
46) Holy Water is VERY powerful. Use it like a potion (doesn't count as an action like before) and it kills multiple Undead in the same room/corridor!
47) Staff appears to only attack with 1 Combat die and CAN be combined with a Shield.
48) Turns out the Wizard CAN equip armor, not just buy it. While weird, I guess this compensates for the fact that the Cloak of Protection and Bracers are not available. In the EU version the Wizard could equip Borin's Armor with Bracers + Cloak to defend with 6. Now he can do the same with Helmet+Shield+Plate. Since Wizard restrictions are lifted, one could consider the Spear to be the equivalent of the Wizard's Staff (an NA artifact) or the (stronger) EU version of the staff. Of course now the Wizard could have a 2 or 3 dice ranged attack that he didn't get before (only being able to throw daggers for 1 in the NA version). Him being able to use a Broadsword or Shortsword isn't so crazy if he can use the magical versions of those weapons, the Artifacts known as Orc's Bane and the Spirit Blade in EU editions. But he's a little more powerful, potentially, here (even if he has to spend more gold to do it, for comparison the Bracers were 200 gold and the Cloak 350 in the EU edition). If you're playing solo, you need all the help you can get!
49) You can find "Quest Treasures" (Artifacts) multiple times (one per character) by replaying quests. Since you can't trade them I'm guessing it would be possible for the Barbarian or Dwarf to "find" the Wand of Recall (rendering it useless, forcing you to replay it and then have the Elf or Wizard find it instead, in the same place it was originally found in). Then again, the Wand isn't required to complete the campaign, but it's harder if you don't have it later!
50) Since the Shortsword, Hand Axe and Spear are all the same price, I'm not sure why you'd ever buy a Shortsword... there are no Chaos spells (and you have base attack based on character). Sure, if you wanted to have two throwable 2 dice weapons (cheaper than buying a crossbow with unlimited ammo) you could get the Handaxe and spear. The Spear is the same strength as the Handaxe but allows diagonal attacks, so it's just better overall (and has no problems combining with a shield). As the Wizard, if I can afford it, my first purchase will be the Spear and just bypass the staff!
51) As expected, the Talisman of Lore increases your mind points by 2. You could have each character replay the quest and get the bonus by acquiring his own Talisman, but why bother when there are no Chaos spells (unless you're planning to attack each other with magic I guess). There's little fun in a deathmatch here since only spells can cause friendly fire (if targeted on purpose)... and little point anyway since you can't steal their gear (I don't think).
52) Disarming ("fixing") a trap (not a furniture trap which is automatically disarmed when you search for traps) does not count as an action.
53) In the "Castle of Mystery" quest, you have to get up to the doorway and click the "arrow" icon in the direction of the doorway to teleport. Once you pickup the "chest" at the mine entrance, you can't set it down (meaning you can only use magic to fight, until you hit the stairs). Also, there is no "Uller's Ghost" instead you get a wandering monster of an Orc. As expected there is no "Ring of Return" artifact since there isn't one in the EU edition.
54) In the NA version of the 3rd quest of the Return of the Witch Lord expansion, you can find the Spirit Blade, if it has been lost on a previous quest, but this is not the case in the EU version (and so it cannot be found in this computer version of that quest). Since you're not forced to play the quests in order/as a series, you can replay the search for the Spirit Blade until you find it, then skip right to the final battle.
55) The "Death Mist" in ROTWL is transparent and so seemingly can't be targeted. It could be destroyed in the NA version but I'm not sure if that is even possible here. I stayed out of the way so I didn't see what happened if it passed through one of my heroes, or if I could toss a Tempest spell on the square it invisibly occupied.
56) While drinking potions and equipping weapons can be done without wasting an action, they can ONLY be done on that Hero's turn. This is an interesting way to do it, and I may actually incorporate this version of "equipping" into my own houserules with the physical game.
57) Bastion of Chaos gold bounties: 10 for each goblin, 20 for each orc, 30 for each fimir or chaos warrior (NA gives 50 gold for the latter).
58) You can find secret doors in a section of corridor even if they're on the other side of a blocked square.
59) A falling block trap was triggered by one Hero and landing on top of my dwarf. There were no squares for him to move to, so the rocks just appeared beneath the square he was on. Yet he didn't die instantly... I was able to, on his turn, use my toolkit to first remove a pit trap in the same room (that was not yet discovered) and then remove the falling blocks from my head! Also, my Dwarf took no damage from the rocks landing on his square.
60) In the regular game system quests, several times now, I have searched a room for traps, and then triggered a falling block trap as I move through the room! When I use a toolkit to fix it, it first "fixed a pit trap" (maybe the hole in the ceiling where the rocks fell from?) and then on a second disarm, the falling block trap itself. As with the EU system, the blocks land on an adjacent square, not the one you're standing on.
61) Two monsters in a corridor (with space between them, in fact one was a screen away from the other) and I was able to shoot the one on the far side with a crossbow (without hitting the one that was between us).
62) Multiple instances of the same Artifact ("Quest Treasure") is absolutely possible. You can replay the Search for the Spirit Blade and have each Hero acquire the Spirit Blade, even if another member of your party has it active. Makes this easier later on! It would have been a cool feature if the quest was re-arranged when you replay it, but it isn't.
63) Killing the Witch Lord first time was pretty anti-climactic. Of course he only has one body point, but there's not even any special text after taking him out! Not sure if you see anything after beating the ROTWL quests...
64) Confirmed, you don't get to search the inside of a Pit as if it were a separate room in this version.
65) The instruction manual PDF included on the CD-ROM edition is strange. First it explains the game rules and features as if it is talking about the EU board game. Then later it talks about the PC game, mentioning the differences (for example, the lack of Cloak of Protection and Bracers). It also makes a big deal about the inclusion of the "first expansion" Return of the Witch Lord.
66) Quest 10 of Return of the Witch Lord ("The Court of the Witch Lord") plays in reverse. In the board game you start at the stairs and you win by killing the Witch Lord. In the PC game you start in the throne room and you make your way to the staircase to "escape." Since these are EU rules, he only has 1 body point. Also, like other "special monsters" he's represented by the Gargoyle sprite. There's no special text when you complete this quest. I completed the 14 original quests, one of the ROTWL quests and then skipped to the end, so I can't say if it displays any ending text if you beat them all in order, but I doubt it.
Overall this was a valiant effort to faithfully port the EU game to home computers. To save memory they cut corners where the PC format would have allowed them more versatility, such as in terms of using different graphics and animations for weapons, or different colors for monsters, or having a Hero's appearance change based on their Equipment or health status (you could paint the actual board game, how about allowing customization of the colors used on the digital figures?). I noticed there is both a floppy disk and a CD-ROM version of the game as well. The diskette has memory limitations that at the time the CD would have allowed them to bypass, of course. There was a missed opportunity here to make greater use of the medium and make it something truly special. If you didn't already know what Hero Quest was, you'd probably wonder what the big deal was with this game...
The choice to include ROTWL is a logical one, as I think it was the better of the two original quest packs, and has the recurring villain from the original game system.
The multiplayer is hotseat only, I guess they figured a LAN party option or modem-to-modem option wasn't worth the effort. Even today the board game is more expensive (even if it's less rare) than the pc game port.
Last edited by
Kurgan on Tuesday September 14th, 2021 3:19pm, edited 66 times in total.