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Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

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Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby mesodom » Friday September 4th, 2020 5:16pm

Hi people,

have you heard about the new name registered under the name of heroquest legacies?

its maybe a new scam like heroquest 25??



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Re: Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby LordZeke » Friday September 4th, 2020 5:51pm

Restoration Games is a legit company that has delivered several "restored" older games.

I have their Fireball Island and very happy with it.

If they were to remake HeroQuest, I am confident they would do it correctly.

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Re: Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby Rath of Un » Friday September 4th, 2020 7:44pm

Well, I backed the HQ25 when it was on Kickstarter, lucky for me it was canceled so I never had to pay anything. I feel horrible for the folks that pledged for the one that was in Spain, I don't know it it ever got finished.

I'll keep my eyes open on Kick starter if it is from the same studio that did the Fire Ball Island one of my buddies picked that one up and it looks awesome!

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Re: Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby lestodante » Saturday September 5th, 2020 6:15am

mesodom wrote:have you heard about the new name registered under the name of heroquest legacies?

If you use the forum search you'll find two related topics about this already.
I post the links below for an easy consultation:
1) Unpublished Heroquest Expansions
2) Heroquest by Restoration Games

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Re: Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby mesodom » Saturday September 5th, 2020 10:10am

LordZeke wrote:Restoration Games is a legit company that has delivered several "restored" older games.

I have their Fireball Island and very happy with it.

If they were to remake HeroQuest, I am confident they would do it correctly.

Thanks for the info i really dont know about the project but i was a baker of hq25 and was a total mess thats why i been asking.

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Re: Heroquest Legacies?? new scam??

Postby mesodom » Saturday September 5th, 2020 10:11am

Rath of Un wrote:Well, I backed the HQ25 when it was on Kickstarter, lucky for me it was canceled so I never had to pay anything. I feel horrible for the folks that pledged for the one that was in Spain, I don't know it it ever got finished.

I'll keep my eyes open on Kick starter if it is from the same studio that did the Fire Ball Island one of my buddies picked that one up and it looks awesome!

Actually HQ25 its on the courthouse here on Sevilla spain its a mayor scam with many bakers and more than 800.000€ scamed.

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