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Spare parts needed

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Spare parts needed

Postby Flacktron » Sunday February 3rd, 2019 4:01am

Hello all

This is only my 3rd post so many of you won't have seen my others but apologies for repeating myself if you have

A bit of background, I used to play HeroQuest (UK version) in my early teens and loved it. Me and 4 of my friends spent so many hours getting lost in this magical world. 25 years on, after I had forgotten all about HerQuest, I stumbled across an incomplete set on Facebook and decided to purchase it for me and my 6 year old son to play. I've made a few purchases off eBay (which isn't cheap may I add) and one of the gentlemen I bought items off recommended this site. I've had a browse and love the site by the way. I will list below the pieces I need to have a complete set and any help will be much appreciated. I can't wait to finally play a game again and eventually buy some of the expansion packs

Missing/broken pieces
2 Orcs both missing swords
3 Goblins, 1 missing dagger, 2 missing swords
1 Firmir missing weapon
1 Skeleton figure
Gargoyle wings missing
1 Sorcerers table candle missing
1 torture rack arm broken

Thanks again

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday February 3rd, 2019 5:20am

Good luck on getting original table candles!
You might as well head directly for a re-caster for that one |_P

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday February 3rd, 2019 6:29am

Goblin-King wrote:Good luck on getting original table candles!
You might as well head directly for a re-caster for that one |_P

*ask Thantos about this*
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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby mitchiemasha » Sunday February 3rd, 2019 9:53am

Goblin-King wrote:Good luck on getting original table candles!

Which reminds me...

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby whitebeard » Monday February 4th, 2019 12:05am

Flacktron wrote:Missing/broken pieces
2 Orcs both missing swords
3 Goblins, 1 missing dagger, 2 missing swords
1 Firmir missing weapon
1 Skeleton figure
Gargoyle wings missing
1 Sorcerers table candle missing
1 torture rack arm broken

Well, you wouldn't be asking this question if you were a miniature collector/painter. Those guys would just cut the weapon clean off, drill a hole in the hand using a pin-vice and insert a new (different) weapon from spare parts which come with other models. Changing the weapons adds to the diversity and can be very cool.

So if you're not a miniature enthusiast, then the easiest way to get parts to make your collection whole, is to find a buddy with a 3D printer and reprint the Orcs, Goblins, Fimir, Skeleton, and Gargoyle. Ideally you would can use colored filament and you won't have to paint anything. But you could print them in any color, then paint them the appropriate green, white, and gray.

All of these models are available on "Thingiverse.com", have a look. My $200 Ender 3 printer does a GREAT job on these models when a good print profile (settings) is loaded and the layer height set to 0.05mm. They do not paint up as nice, but if you're going for the solid color look, you really won't notice. My gargoyle reprint looks fantastic. I would print them for you if shipping to the UK wasn't expensive.

You can re-print the candles (see Pipoden's Sorcerer's Table) but I doubt they will come out very nice on anything but the highest end 3D printer. My 3D printer does get this level of detail (on model faces, etc.) but very small free-standing objects are more difficult. I recommend you just grab a skull from one of the other furniture models, and insert it in place of the missing candle as this looks very good.

You can also 3D print an alternate Torture rack model. Or try to print just the arm and glue it on yourself.

Let us know how you end up completing your set!
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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby Flacktron » Monday February 4th, 2019 5:06am

whitebeard wrote:
Well, you wouldn't be asking this question if you were a miniature collector/painter. Those guys would just cut the weapon clean off, drill a hole in the hand using a pin-vice and insert a new (different) weapon from spare parts which come with other models. Changing the weapons adds to the diversity and can be very cool.

So if you're not a miniature enthusiast, then the easiest way to get parts to make your collection whole, is to find a buddy with a 3D printer and reprint the Orcs, Goblins, Fimir, Skeleton, and Gargoyle. Ideally you would can use colored filament and you won't have to paint anything. But you could print them in any color, then paint them the appropriate green, white, and gray.

All of these models are available on "Thingiverse.com", have a look. My $200 Ender 3 printer does a GREAT job on these models when a good print profile (settings) is loaded and the layer height set to 0.05mm. They do not paint up as nice, but if you're going for the solid color look, you really won't notice. My gargoyle reprint looks fantastic. I would print them for you if shipping to the UK wasn't expensive.

You can re-print the candles (see Pipoden's Sorcerer's Table) but I doubt they will come out very nice on anything but the highest end 3D printer. My 3D printer does get this level of detail (on model faces, etc.) but very small free-standing objects are more difficult. I recommend you just grab a skull from one of the other furniture models, and insert it in place of the missing candle as this looks very good.

You can also 3D print an alternate Torture rack model. Or try to print just the arm and glue it on yourself.

Let us know how you end up completing your set!

Hello whitebeard. Thanks for the response. I do paint miniatures but have only just started doing so again after 10-15 years off. I only used to paint Space Marines and Lord of The Rings figures. Space Marines always came with a various supply of weapons so never had to make my own and the LOTR figures were almost always metal so came with a weapon already molded to the figure so I never gave it any thought to create my own. But now you've said it I will keep my old figures from Hero Quest that are damaged and give that a go. I've only got spare Plasma guns and Bolter guns at the minute so I'm not sure if a Goblin should be wielding one of those :D

I've never seen or used a 3D printer but I can't wait for them to become cheaper and even more detailed. From how you describe the difference in 3D printers it sounds like the cheaper one's (using TV's as an example) are like say a SD TV and then you can buy a middle of the road 720p or 1080p for more detail or get a top of the range printer like a 4k TV thus getting a lot more detail?

I'd be interested in a Gargoyle reprint, as long as its cheaper than I could buy one off eBay for but fully understand postage costs is something you can do nothing about. But then if I get a few things printed from you it might be worth while. I am still in two minds about painting my HeroQuest figures. I'd say I'm a good table top standard painter so I know they've look OK but on the other hand I am thinking I want to keep them looking original.

As for the candle sticks I do have two but one has broken off at the base so I might try to create something myself but if that doesnt work the skull idea is great

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby KrautScientist » Monday February 4th, 2019 12:39pm

Regarding weapon replacements, ideally you'd try to get hold of some weapon arms from older WFB plastic models -- I've recently used the old WFB Skeleton weapons for conversions, for instance, and those have just the right HQ look when it comes to overall design and that certain "clunkiness". Replacing broken weapons like that is quite easy and doesn't require a lot of technical prowess.

As for the question of whether or not to paint your models, I was recently facing the same decision, and went for finally giving it a go and painting them all: It just felt idiotic for me to try and keep them pristine for some future day that may never come, especially when playing with fully painted models is such a delight. That being said, painting them probably does destroy most of their value as bargaining objects and a store of value, so to speak, so there's that, too.

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby mitchiemasha » Monday February 4th, 2019 2:38pm

Creality Ender 3 is super cheap... I'm thinking about buying one after summer. Possibly next years project!

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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby whitebeard » Monday February 4th, 2019 2:48pm

mitchiemasha wrote:Creality Ender 3 is super cheap... I'm thinking about buying one after summer. Possibly next years project!

I have one recommendation. Pay extra and buy it through Amazon or what-ever such if it shows up and does not work "out of the box", you can return it free of charge and be done with your experiment. Creality has poor quality assurance and when I bought mine ~20% of customers were having issues.
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Re: Spare parts needed

Postby Flacktron » Tuesday February 12th, 2019 9:22am

I decided to take your advice whitebeard and have saved three of my figures so far. I had a day off work yesterday and used some old Ogre weapons and a Space Marines knife to replace the broken figures I have. I was going to upload a picture but not sure how to do that on this forum. Is there a thread to follow with a step by step guide?

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