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Map error on Q7

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Map error on Q7

Postby Sotiris » Saturday July 28th, 2018 5:11am

If you check the whole map of Quest 7: Flight to the Surface (or better play it) you'll notice the designer's intention to not put dead ends, so the heroes may find the exit without being trapped by the endless Orcs.
I'm pretty sure that this secret door should be there and that it's not just a typo.
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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby Anderas » Saturday July 28th, 2018 6:54am

Is it from the forum PDF or from Phoenix? I agree with you that looks odd.

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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby Sotiris » Saturday July 28th, 2018 9:06am

Anderas wrote:Is it from the forum PDF or from Phoenix? I agree with you that looks odd.

It is from the forum's pdf, but all maps are wrong.
My EU questbook, Phoenix's NA version and Ye Olde Inn's EU pdf have placed the secret door as shown in the image.
The Ye Olde Inn's remastered NA version erased the typo but didn't put the secret door on the right place. So the dead end remains.
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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday July 28th, 2018 10:23am

Since the room to the right of where the secret door is printed is unused, I'm gonna concur with your assessment.
Seems a logical solution and it's a one-step-mistake: one room too far to the right of the map as opposed to something like one wall too far right and too far to the bottom, if you know what I mean.

Heh... too far right. What a political discussion this would kick off inadvertently among certain people...
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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby lestodante » Saturday July 28th, 2018 1:48pm

There is the same mistake in the Italian questbook.
It is possible that the secret doors should not be there but also that the room was shaded dark for mistake.
I don't really see the need to change anything, if the Heroes enter the room it is just empty. We don't always have to be generous with the heroes, so if they will enter in the room with 3 orcs and 1 ogre, they will have to come back and find another way to reach the exit door.

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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby Sotiris » Sunday July 29th, 2018 4:50am

lestodante wrote:...so if they will enter in the room with 3 orcs and 1 ogre, they will have to come back and find another way to reach the exit door.

It is impossible to come back. Orcs are entering all the time. When i played it with my group,
new heroes replaced the dead ones so to finish that 5 hours quest...and i used only the game system's 8 orcs.
It's not a matter of generosity, it's a matter of quest concept here.
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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby The Admiral » Sunday July 29th, 2018 5:26am

In this case, dead end is quite an appropriate description.

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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby lestodante » Monday July 30th, 2018 4:39pm

Sotiris wrote:It is impossible to come back. Orcs are entering all the time.

In this case if there are always monsters the Heroes can't even search for secret doors. :mrgreen:

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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby Anderas » Tuesday July 31st, 2018 4:17am

Put the other way round... the heroes have to become positively door blocking. :lol:

No, I agree that this quest is not a very good quest (book). Dead ends become death traps, so one must take care that there shall be no ends, only loops.
Additionally, even if the heroes took some mercenaries into the first quest, they would be long-since dead by quest 7, so they have to do all the search actions themselves.
Last, there are on several occasions in the quest book falling block traps that block the only door to a room. In quest 2, it's only with luck and pass through rock if more than one hero comes out of the quest. I mean, do they really expect heroes to jump the first square after a door, routinely, everywhere?
In the EU version, the door can be blocked, but the falling block trap is triggered by stepping on one field north of the door. So there might be some more heroes more coming out of that quest.

If I (ever) get around to redesign this book, there would be some things changed for sure.

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Re: Map error on Q7

Postby Pancho » Tuesday July 31st, 2018 3:22pm

I think that ATOH is a really good quest pack overall, but it does require a dilligent and experienced Morcar to iron out some of the errors in the quests. It's a similar deal with FH & MOTM.

I'd be pretty annoyed if my Hero had hacked his way through an entire Ogre Horde and defeated the Chaos sorcerers leading them, only to get killed whilst journeying back to the surface due to a map error.

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