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Ken's Saturday Day Dungeon

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Ken's Saturday Day Dungeon

Postby el_flesh » Monday July 19th, 2010 5:45pm

drathe wrote:Note:This topic was originally posts contained within El Flesh's Saturday Night Dungeon topic. It was later split to separate JoeC's Rumble in the D. The first few posts in this thread are the result of the somewhat unrelated posts within those topics. This thread has since been adopted by Ken for use as his Saturday Day Dungeon topic. As such, the first few posts may seem out of place.


I think you should indeed have your own thread! Then we can rename each of them!

My thread can be EL FLESH!

What you say, admins?
Last edited by el_flesh on Sunday October 6th, 2013 2:42pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Insertion of new thread information/back story.
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Re: Ken's Saturday Day Dungeon

Postby drathe » Monday July 19th, 2010 11:00pm

I say I'll set up a new forum called Saturday Night DUNGEON, move and split this topic tomorrow.

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Re: Ken's Saturday Day Dungeon

Postby el_flesh » Tuesday July 20th, 2010 9:45am

"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Re: Ken's Saturday Day Dungeon

Postby drathe » Tuesday July 20th, 2010 1:21pm

Feel free to edit the first post and change the topic title to one of your choosing. Hope to see more!

EDIT: Thread split from original Saturday Night DUNGEON thread by el_flesh into three separate threads. One for EL FLESH, one for JoeC's Rumble in the D and a third topic of the discussion to split the topics (saved to keep post counts).

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Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby ken » Tuesday August 31st, 2010 9:22am

Now we have rescued the Gallant Knight, and he has recouperated, we must journey forth thro' Sir Ragnars Chronicles, who has passed before us? Greybeard and his Squire, (Ken & Grandson)

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Re: Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby ken » Friday October 1st, 2010 3:17am

So, no one has gone before us? (or not admitting it)! It does look a bit daunting. I have been looking for inspiration to build some quests of my own around the Gallant Knight, and have found said inspiration from the map of the Ville Haute De Provins, France (look it up). I went there many years ago, and remember the feelings this medieval walled city aroused in me at the time. Sir Ragnar was incarcerated in the Tower Aux Engines, then liberated by the Heroes. Now he intends to return to avenge his humiliation,(and look for treasure). First he and his cronies must enter by the Porte De Jouy, then pass the Tournillon Barracks, to reach the Tower. He may be captured again, and this time interred in the Trou Au Chat, (my translation, The Cat's Hole). The Permutations are endless. Regards Ken

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Re: Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby Ethica » Friday October 1st, 2010 7:21am

Perhaps a quest to capture Ragnar because he has turned evil.

This would involve all his former comrades who show up at Ragnar's castle to try and talk him into surrendering.
Ragnar refuses to surrender and offers the comrades a bribe to join him on the dark side.
If they refuse the bribe they must do battle with Ragnar's new entourage before travelling back and surviving an ambush by the Witchlords minions.
If they accept the bribe they must do battle with the emperors men who travelled with them. They must then survive a further assault from the heroes of the realm.

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Re: Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby ken » Sunday October 17th, 2010 6:14am

Our first three generation battle is pencilled in for next Sunday, 24th. We are about 12 hours behind Canada & US, here in UK, so if you have bad dreams, and an uneasy night, it may be our battles getting through to you, if only in spirit. Planning to take Sir Ragnar, Bar-dun, the Dragon Slayer, Saracen & one other, possibly a dwarf on their first Quest together. Wish us well!!

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Re: Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby el_flesh » Sunday October 17th, 2010 7:18am

You have to take digipix of major events, and also the 'minutes of the meeting' so you can post it here, in SATURDAY NIGHT DUNGEON!

...and to think, MY Grandpoop would spend his weekends tinkering in the basement and making bells out of old brass candlestick holders.
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Re: Rescue of Sir Ragnar

Postby ken » Tuesday October 19th, 2010 3:10am

Not sure if I am allowed, or even able, to add pictures? As to Granddaddies, we have changed over the years, with opportunity, & availability. As far as I am aware, mine never rode a motorcycle, ate an olive, or cooked a curry!

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