Hi all !
While I'm continue my work on advanced Heroquest, making some fantasy tiles and other paper models, I'm starting a new project, in the space of 41th Millenium. This futur game is entilted "Space Scavengers" and it is based on Space Hulk, Space Crusade and Advanced Space Crusade for his rules. For now, I'm working on the design of Tiles and Counters of that game, with a basis of Space Hulk and the two other games material, but with original material too. Below, you'll find a variety of counters that you can use in your Space Hulk, Space Crusade and Advanced Space Crusade games. You'll find some BLIPS counters for Genestealers, Hybrids Genestealers, Gretchins and Orks. Some are designed with Numbers, this represent the number of Creatures encountered with the BLIP, some are designed with Letters, that represent an ennemy reported in a Force List and with the appropriate letter. This can be modified as you spending some Force Points to make your Force List.
After those BLIPS, you'll find some new Space Hulk tiles with a variety of "light test"... I'll soon remaking the four parts Space Crusade board in this way. You'll find four others Tiles designed to represent the organic interior of a Tyranid Hive Ship. Those are some kind of test for some organic textures. But you can use them as you wish.
I hope all of those goodies are making a kind Christmas present for all of you guys