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Space Scavengers

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Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Friday December 23rd, 2016 4:45am


Hi all !

While I'm continue my work on advanced Heroquest, making some fantasy tiles and other paper models, I'm starting a new project, in the space of 41th Millenium. This futur game is entilted "Space Scavengers" and it is based on Space Hulk, Space Crusade and Advanced Space Crusade for his rules. For now, I'm working on the design of Tiles and Counters of that game, with a basis of Space Hulk and the two other games material, but with original material too. Below, you'll find a variety of counters that you can use in your Space Hulk, Space Crusade and Advanced Space Crusade games. You'll find some BLIPS counters for Genestealers, Hybrids Genestealers, Gretchins and Orks. Some are designed with Numbers, this represent the number of Creatures encountered with the BLIP, some are designed with Letters, that represent an ennemy reported in a Force List and with the appropriate letter. This can be modified as you spending some Force Points to make your Force List.

After those BLIPS, you'll find some new Space Hulk tiles with a variety of "light test"... I'll soon remaking the four parts Space Crusade board in this way. You'll find four others Tiles designed to represent the organic interior of a Tyranid Hive Ship. Those are some kind of test for some organic textures. But you can use them as you wish.

I hope all of those goodies are making a kind Christmas present for all of you guys :mrgreen:








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Last edited by Valnar Nightrunner on Friday December 23rd, 2016 11:33am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby QorDaq » Friday December 23rd, 2016 11:15am

Very cool. There are some great items in this post, nicely done.

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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Friday December 23rd, 2016 11:28am

QorDaq wrote:Very cool. There are some great items in this post, nicely done.


Thanks a lot, it's good to read that ;) There's still a lot of work, but I will soon post some new BLIPS for other "factions" of 40K, and some new tiles and counters (rubbles of 1, 2 and 4 squares to represent destruction of cargo, as it's explained in Deathwing Rules). I will make some "organic" doors for Tyranid space ships, and all markers from Tyranid Attack and Advanced Space Crusade, as "Acid Blob" and "Teleport Cell".
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby QorDaq » Friday December 23rd, 2016 12:15pm

Years ago, there was a dude who went by the Name HulkSkulker, who made a nice little program for tile making. It was designed so that you'd drop art assets into various designated folders assigned to categories which specified floors, inner or outer corners, walls, etc. you could then drop the parts into a basic grid and save and or print as needed. It was a very handy tool for making tiles.

looking at your examples, I would have loved to have cannibalized your work for custom tile sets...*Chuckle*...
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Friday December 23rd, 2016 1:03pm

QorDaq wrote:Years ago, there was a dude who went by the Name HulkSkulker, who made a nice little program for tile making. It was designed so that you'd drop art assets into various designated folders assigned to categories which specified floors, inner or outer corners, walls, etc. you could then drop the parts into a basic grid and save and or print as needed. It was a very handy tool for making tiles.

looking at your examples, I would have loved to have cannibalized your work for custom tile sets...*Chuckle*...

Well, I can send you all my ressources, it's not difficult at all : a big folder of Hulk squares, some organic squares, some ressources from various sites, some walls, and Paintdot net. :mrgreen:
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby QorDaq » Friday December 23rd, 2016 1:18pm

Much obliged for the offer.

Fact is, I don't make tiles for games any more. It's sad, but true. I used to love doing it, even as a hack, I used to pour hours and hours into cannibalizing found art and creating unique tiles for RPGs and Board Games like HQ. It's actually how I found the old Agin's Inn site back in the day. Over time, however, I have found that my available time for gaming is better spent actually playing games when I have the opportunity...*Chuckle*... And subsequently I spend much less time gathering art resources these days. Same reason, or at least part of it, that I don't paint minis anymore either.

I do enjoy looking at the creations others put together though, and I definitely appreciate the time folks put into their various projects. Which is all to say that; I really do appreciate the offer of these art assets, but I know I would likely never use them at this point. So thank you very much for the offer.

maj! = Klingon word for "Good". Used in the context of "I approve".

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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Monday December 26th, 2016 5:46am

QorDaq wrote:Much obliged for the offer.

Fact is, I don't make tiles for games any more. It's sad, but true. I used to love doing it, even as a hack, I used to pour hours and hours into cannibalizing found art and creating unique tiles for RPGs and Board Games like HQ. It's actually how I found the old Agin's Inn site back in the day. Over time, however, I have found that my available time for gaming is better spent actually playing games when I have the opportunity...*Chuckle*... And subsequently I spend much less time gathering art resources these days. Same reason, or at least part of it, that I don't paint minis anymore either.

I do enjoy looking at the creations others put together though, and I definitely appreciate the time folks put into their various projects. Which is all to say that; I really do appreciate the offer of these art assets, but I know I would likely never use them at this point. So thank you very much for the offer.


You are welcome. Tell me if you need my ressources later ;)

Today, I send a new set of counters : you'll find holes and squares directly below, barricades, and stairs, 3 new doors (open and closed).


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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Gold Bearer » Wednesday December 28th, 2016 5:17am

Very nice, especially the more techy tiles.

I wonder if we can get LurchBrick to add them to his game. If he adds everything I've suggested it would end up with the file size of a modern game. :)
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Thursday December 29th, 2016 6:08am

Gold Bearer wrote:Very nice, especially the more techy tiles.

I wonder if we can get LurchBrick to add them to his game. If he adds everything I've suggested it would end up with the file size of a modern game. :)

Ho yes it is certainly possible. If he is interrested, just tell me, I'll give him all my squares.
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Re: Space Scavengers

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Sunday January 1st, 2017 9:57am

Hi all ! And happy new year !

Here are some new doors : some are dammaged, others are soldered. You'll find too some new markers, like rubbles, that you can use with Space Hulk rules 1st edition.

I hope you'll like this new stuff. Have a nice year begining !!




Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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