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The Manse Macabre (concluded)

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The Manse Macabre (concluded)

Postby mikemacdee » Thursday June 6th, 2013 9:35pm

The Emperor is recruiting up to 4 brave adventurers looking to do good and possibly line their pockets. Experienced heroes welcome.

The Quest: Recruits will search the dangerous Martense Manor for the source of Baron Martense's ever-increasing necromantic powers. Source must be destroyed once found, if possible. Bounty: 250 gold to be divided, and recruits may keep whatever treasures they find inside the manor.

This is a single Quest of moderate difficulty.

mikemacdee rolled 3 6-sided dice:
2, 6, 1

Big Bene = Hurgar the Barbarian
Daedelus = Kili the Trollslayer (Dwarf slot)
Road Warrior = Caranthir the Elf
Sjeng = Eddy Wizzard the...um, Wizard

The active house rules for this Quest are:

Giving Items
A hero may freely pass any of his items to another hero on his turn, if that hero is in line of sight. Items can only pass from the active hero to an inactive one, not vice-versa.

Useful Genie
In addition to opening doors, the Genie spell can also activate switches and puzzle objects.

The "One Equip" Limit
During a Quest heroes are allowed to equip a weapon or piece of armor once per turn, and only on their turn. They should keep track of what items are equipped for Zargon's benefit.
Example: On Barbarian's turn, Barbarian switches from his broadsword to his battle axe in order to attack a stronger foe. This automatically unequips his shield and leaves him at a defense disadvantage on Zargon's turn -- he cannot re-equip his shield until next turn.

Climbing Into Pits
Instead of jumping a pit, a hero may attempt to deliberately climb into a pit. He must declare that he is doing so while next to a pit, then he rolls 1 combat die: if he rolls anything but a skull, he safely reaches the bottom; otherwise he slips and falls in, taking 1 body point of damage. In either case, his turn ends.

Fallen Heroes (a)
When a hero loses all his body or mind points he falls unconscious: his piece is replaced with a custom "fallen hero" marker that does not block movement or line of sight for other pieces, and also holds all of the unconscious hero's possessions. Any hero may pick up and carry (or drop) a fallen hero once per turn as a free action, as long as he is adjacent to or standing on the fallen hero and only carries one fallen hero at a time. While carrying his comrade, the hero cannot attack or defend.

If the fallen hero is carried through the exit, that hero survives the dungeon. Otherwise he is left for dead, and all his un-looted possessions are lost forever.

Fallen Heroes (b): Looting
A less savory hero may find it easier to loot his fallen companion and flee for his own life. The first hero who searches the fallen hero's room/corridor for treasure claims all of that hero's possessions. If there are multiple fallen heroes, the looter must choose which victim to loot first.

Fallen Heroes (c): Stabilizing
A surviving hero can use a healing item or spell to revive a fallen comrade. If he has neither at his disposal, he may attempt to stabilize and revive a fallen hero at the cost of his action. The hero attempting to do this stands adjacent to the fallen hero and rolls red dice equal to half of the fallen hero's maximum body points (or mind points, depending which stat was reduced to 0): if at least one 6 is rolled, the hero revives with half his body and mind points, rounded down. Each hero may only be stabilized once per Quest: after that he remains unconscious.
Last edited by mikemacdee on Tuesday January 14th, 2014 7:04pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby Sjeng » Friday June 7th, 2013 3:27am

I can participate if you don't find 4 others ;)
Put me up for reserve. Any character is fine.
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby The Road Warrior » Friday June 7th, 2013 8:15am

I'd like to join in but if there is enough interest from others I will step aside as I'm already hosting another play by post game.
Is this quest for standard Heroes? :barbarian: :dwarf: :elf: :wizard:
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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby mikemacdee » Friday June 7th, 2013 4:48pm

Mostly standard heroes, but if you wanna try a custom class, PM it to me and I'll look it over.

And I doubt anyone'll have to step out!

mikemacdee rolled 4 6-sided dice:
1, 3, 3, 3

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby The Road Warrior » Sunday June 9th, 2013 5:38pm

mikemacdee wrote:Example: On Barbarian's turn, Barbarian switches from his broadsword to his battle axe in order to attack a stronger foe. This automatically unequips his shield and leaves him at a defense disadvantage on Zargon's turn -- he cannot re-equip his shield until next turn.

Do we get to start with extra equipment?
You did say...

mikemacdee wrote:This is a single Quest of moderate difficulty
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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby mikemacdee » Sunday June 9th, 2013 7:53pm

I'll give each player a choice between:
1) Using a custom class.
2) Starting with 250 gold to spend on himself prior to joining the group.

After the adventure the surviving heroes can shop together if they want, or take their cut and skedaddle. Depends who decides to keep their hero around. But no group purchases until afterward -- can't have a fully-armored tank steamrolling through every challenge!

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby Daedalus » Monday June 10th, 2013 3:34pm

I'll sign up. I'm also willing to make room for another to share the fun for the same reason.

[Meanwhile, I'll play any of the four starting Heroes, with this preference: :barbarian: :elf: :dwarf: :wizard: As this is a single Quest, the first 3 Heroes would start with a helmet and 5 daggers, while the Wizard would start with a staff and 7 daggers (including his starting dagger).] Wait, I changed my mind!

Damn, now that I think about it, this would be a prime time to try out the Trollslayer:


Seeing this months later, I think I should have made the stat line to include 2 Attack Dice and 2 Defend Dice, with the beserk ablility applied to that to yeild the pictured 3 Attack Dice and 1 Defend Dice. Oh well, Kili Therikkson will probably be fighting beserk most of the time, anyway, being a Trollslayer and all. He starts out as a weaker Barbarian. I wonder if he will survive?

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby Big Bene » Monday June 10th, 2013 5:48pm

Well, after you asked me so nicely, I'm in.
I'm so picky not because I don't look forard to play your quest, I'm just pretty busy in real life. For this reason I'll take the barbarian (no need to look up special rules all the time). Do we play EU or NA rules?
Have a look ;)

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby mikemacdee » Monday June 10th, 2013 5:49pm

It'll be NA rules since I'm familiar with them.

Trollslayer will take the Dwarf's slot, then, and we got a Barbie. Sjeng says he's in reserve so I guess he'll take whichever remaining class Road Warrior doesn't want.

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Re: The Manse Macabre (recruiting)

Postby The Road Warrior » Monday June 10th, 2013 7:01pm

Well it looks like we already have a Barbarian and Dwarf so I will be the Elf:

Caranthir Nénharma

and Sjeng can come along as 'Orc Bait'....


I mean the Wizard ;)
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