by Bareheaded Warrior » Friday August 18th, 2023 4:54am
I find it interesting that the EA Editions were flawed because they assumed a more competitive, less co-operative style of play, so when players did co-operate more the game was too easy. This flaw was pointed out very early, Sep/Oct 1989, in a Games International review (along with a few others flaws) which also included fixes, specifically beefing up the monsters by adding more BP.
The NA Edition (and later HQ2021) effectively forced co-operation, so they did well to take this into account and include a fix by beefing up monster BP but then they boosted the gold yield, either directly by just increasing amounts, introducing the buy-back rule (can never remember when that was actually implemented) which effectively halved the cost of equipment, and allowing 4x the treasure searches (one per hero per room instead of one per room), and allowing the hoarding of potions which in combination effectively increased the rate of advancement eight-fold, making the game too easy.
Out of the frying pan into the fire!
In terms of this quest specifically I will do a proper analysis and rework and publish a polished map shortly, but moving a few monsters and adding a few Goblins doesn't make a huge difference, for me the biggest issue with this quest is that it is almost entirely linear lacking choice and exploration!
Again, I find the addition of the pit trap interesting, the original had no traps which is certainly odd, so I get the motivation of adding at last one, but the position of it makes no sense at all under NA Edition rules as a hero would just step into that room, search for treasure taking what was in the chest, without ever risking stepping onto the square with the trap. So they have effectively attempted to fix a flaw of no traps, by adding one trap that is unlikely to ever be noticed.
And the addition of the text "And other treasure found may be kept by the finder alone" is odd as it either implies that heroes cannot pass items between them in general, which we know they can and need to in later quests or it is specific to treasure items found in this quest, what is different about these potions to any other potion, are they coated in some sort of sticky glue?
= white skull, one "hit"
= black skull, one "hit"
= shield, cancels out one "hit"
HQ Editions: 1989 Original Edition (First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE]), 1990 Remake [90], 2021 Remake [21]
HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on Original 1989 HeroQuest.
HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board