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Dead Hero's possessions and Mercenaries

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Dead Hero's possessions and Mercenaries

Postby Daedalus » Tuesday August 9th, 2011 3:56pm

Can a Mercenary pick up a Hero's possessions if in the same room or corridor when the Hero dies? (I'll cite the NA books for supporting information. Anyone from over the pond please feel free to clarify with EU rules.)
The BQP states on p.5:

A Mercenary is controlled by the Hero who hired him. The
Mercenary moves and attacks immediately after that Hero's turn. A
Hero can control as many Mercenaries as he can afford to hire. A
Mercenary can move, open doors, attack and defend as a Hero, but he
can take no other actions (except the Scout, who can search for and
disarm traps). A Mercenary does not receive any treasure.
If a Hero
dies on a Quest, any Mercenary hired by that Hero continues on the
Quest, controlled by the fallen Hero's player.

The blue text is prohibitive regarding actions, but retrieving possessions isn't a listed action in the Instruction Booklet. Also, not receiving treasure doesn't necessarily preclude picking it up.
The NA Instruction Booklet states on p.22 under Dead Heroes:

What Happens To A Dead Hero?
As a Hero, if you die, you are out of the
game for the rest of that Quest.
may, however, rename your Hero and
play him as a new character in the next
Quest. Armor, weapons, and treasures
that belonged to you prior to death can
be picked up by any other Hero in the
room with you.

Warning! If there are no other Heroes in
the room or corridor with you when you
die, any monster in the room or corridor
with you will claim your possessions.
May not, however, use them. They are
removed from the game.

The red text relates you as a Hero, but you (or another player) also control a Mercenary in same the room or corridor. Should that qualify for preventing a monster from claiming your possessions, as described at the end of the green text? Or is a Hero, and only a Hero allowed to pick up a dead Hero's possessions and prevent monsters from claiming the said belongings, as stated in the green text? If a Mercenary is allowed to pick up the possessions, then they should be unusable, as he can't receive any treasure. Should picking up possessions by a Mercenary be allowed? If not, then could the Mercenary at least protect the possessions from looting monsters until a Hero could properly pick them up?

My opinion is that a Mercenary in the same room or corridor effectively prevents any monster from looting a Hero owing to the threat he presents. Since a Mercenary can't receive any treasure, I'd say only a Mercenary controlled by the player of the dead Hero should be allowed to pick up the possessions. The rationale is it's in the Mercenaries best interest, since the Hero created next by the player is likely to rehire him as a reward for such loyal service. Mercenaries hired by other Heroes don't bother with such favors, because it doesn't pay off for them.

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