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Trap in middle of room

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Trap in middle of room

Postby Grunok » Monday April 4th, 2011 11:56am

This is probably a stupid question, but I just want to make sure I'm doing this right.
If there is a hidden trap in the middle of a room, such as a pit trap--
Do the heroes have to END their turn on it to spring it? Or do I have to "watch" the path they take and stop them if the walk across that space.
Just to verify, I'm "NOT" talking about "jumping a trap", I just wanna know if i should make the show me each space they step on.
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Re: Trap in middle of room

Postby Jaguar69 » Monday April 4th, 2011 12:19pm

Yes, i think most people play that if a Hero steps on a pit trap, having not searched the area, they have to be stopped - ending thier go and losing a body point.
You do have to see which route and the exact sqaures characters step on on thier movement.

I don't know of anyone that plays that you only activate a trap if you end your turn on that square.
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Re: Trap in middle of room

Postby Grunok » Monday April 4th, 2011 1:32pm

OK, thanks. Yea, that would be pretty lame if they have to end their turn on it to trigger it. Would have been easier for Zargon/Morcar to keep track of unsprung traps that way tho.
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