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Are chests always visible?

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Are chests always visible?

Postby Daedalus » Saturday June 4th, 2011 1:32pm

Grunok wrote:I got a question that I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere.
Are chests visible once you go into a room, or only after you search for treasure?
And (while I'm on the topic) if NOT, does disarming, searching for or triggering a furniture 'trap' reveal the chest automatically?
I'm wondering this because the quests don't really say that it's hidden, they just say "first person who searches for treasure will find *blank* inside the chest. And its hard NOT to notice a giant treasure chest in the middle of the room.
I hope I'm clear enough with my question. If you need me to be more specific on a certain part, let me know.

NA ed Instruction Booklet, p.13 covers placing chests:

How Zargon Reacts
To Hero Movement

............................... When a
Hero opens a door, place on the game-
board the monsters, treasure chests,
and any other items that belong in that
room. Note: Do not put out any traps
or secret doors. Do not reveal treasure
at this time.

So yes, they are always visible once you go into a room.

As for the chest contents, they are revealed with a Search For Treasure action from anywhere in the room (as Phoenix already posted). This will spring a chest trap if present and not previously disarmed. A chest trap may be avoided if the Search For Traps action was taken 2 turns beforehand from anywhere in the room, and then one turn before the Disarm A Trap action was taken on the chest square (Good luck balancing your Hero on the chest- we place him adjacent, at the front of the chest instead.)

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Re: Are chests always visible?

Postby torilen » Saturday June 4th, 2011 3:13pm

(chuckling heartily) hahahahaha
Yes...Our resident rules expert chimes in with the page and everything.
I'm telling you, daedalus...if I ever have a question about something I
remember seeing a rule book - I'm coming to you first. You're awesome.

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