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SE Tool Kit Equipment Card wrote:Tool Kit
The tool kit enables you to remove any trap that you find. Roll one combat die. On a roll of a skull the trap goes off and you lose one Body point. Once you have rolled the die the trap is removed.
Cost 250 gold coins.
SE Rules of Play wrote:Trap tiles may be removed from the board by any character who has the Tool Kit equipment card and is adjacent to the trap.
The Dwarf may automatically remove any trap tile he is adjacent to. He may only remove one trap per turn.
Daedalus wrote:Bareheaded Warrior wrote:. . Any so many more problems, these traps are a minefield ... ba dum tss
Here's another for the IN box: Rules as written, a triggered falling block trap can be removed. Davane opened my eyes to this; I believe these are the pertinent rules:. . . Trap tiles are only placed if found by a search or if triggered by a character moving onto the trapped square.
15.2 Trap tiles may be removed from the board by any character who has the Tool Kit equipment card and is adjacent to the trap.
15.3 The Dwarf may automatically remove any trap tile he is adjacent to. He may only remove one trap per turn.
Yet I recall other EU players have played that a falling block, once triggered, permanently remains on the board like a pit. I think that also can be reasoned from the rules:16.6 Falling Block
There's a strong thematic reason to treat a stone that blocks the way as permanently remaining on the board: if it can fully block a square space, where does it go once removed? Also, Quest design would suggest a triggered block can't be so easily circumvented; the corridor falling block of Barak Tor--Barrow of the Witch Lord comes to mind.
When a character player moves through a square containing a falling block symbol, a block will fall. It will land into the adjacent square marked with the arrow on the Quest map, blocking the way.
This ambiguity also needs addressing, in my opinion.
16.2 Monsters do not set off traps. They may move freely though squares that contain hidden traps. Once a trap has been placed on the board, however monsters must follow the same rules as characters.
16. Traps
Traps are not put on the board until a character player either searches for traps and moves into a square containing a trap, as shown on the Quest map.
16.3 Pit Trap
The pit remains on the board as an obstacle. Any character who stumbles into a pit trap will automatically lose one Body point. Characters in a pit may attack and defend, but roll one less die than normal. They may not search whilst in a pit. The character may move as normal on his next turn.
If a player character moves into a passage, then searches for traps and discovers a pit trap some distance in front of him but ignores it. The following turn a monster attempts encounters the pit trap and as it is on the board he must attempt to jump it, but falls in. The Dwarf then removes the pit tile (16.3)
These two rules appear to contradict each other as 15.3 states adjacent to but 21.2 any visible trap in the same room or passage, I'm open to suggestions but I would recommend removing the third sentence from 21.2
15.3 The Dwarf may automatically remove any trap tile he is adjacent to. He may only remove one trap per turn.
21.2 Dwarf
“You are the Dwarf. You are a good warrior and can always disarm traps that you find. You may remove any visible trap in the same room or passage”.
Does the Dwarf removing the trap tile count as an action, if so then the one trap per turn limit is superfluous as he can only take one action per turn anyway?
Does using the Tool kit to remove a trap count as an action, if so it makes sense that there is no limit, but if not why not and how come you can remove as many traps as you like with the Tool Kit per turn but the Dwarf can only remove one.
The Dwarf has a considerable advantage in his disarm traps ability (succeeds five out of six times), while the Tool Kit is expensive yet provides only a three out of six chance of success. To even this out, the Dwarf's ability is lowered to succeed only when a white skull is rolled (three out of six), and the Tool Kit is raised to succeed when anything but a white shield is rolled (four out of six)
Combined Proposal 1 wrote:
On your turn you may opt to perform a search, this is a full turn action and includes both your action and your movement for that turn. You may choose to Search for Treasure or Search for Secret Doors and Traps.
Searching for Treasure
You may Search for Treasure in a room only and not in a passageway. You must be in the room, the room must be free of monsters and you must not have any monsters in any squares next to* you to perform this action.
Some of the Quests supply details about specific treasures which can be found by searching. If a character searches for treasure in that room the Evil Wizard player should reveal what treasure is hidden there. If there is no specific treasure listed for that room, then the hero player must take the top Treasure card.
Once a room has been searched for treasure, it must be recorded as being searched by placing a tile (any tile face down will do) in the room. This room cannot be searched for treasure a second time.
For clarity searching for treasure in a room containing treasure chests does not cover the chests themselves. They must be handled as per the standard second edition rules through ‘opening’
Searching for Secret Doors and Traps
You may Search for Secret Doors and Traps in rooms and passageways. You must be in the room or passageway or on a square adjacent to the room or passageway that you wish to search. The room or passageway that you wish to search must be free of monsters and you must not have any monsters in any squares next to* you to perform this action.
If you search a room for secret doors and traps and none are present then the EWP will inform you that no secret doors or traps are present. This ends your turn and you remain on the square that you occupied when you initiated the search.
If you search a passageway for secret doors and traps and none are present then the EWP will inform you that no secret doors or traps are present and will place your character on the square representing the furthest point along your search path. This ends your turn.
You may only search one room or passageway in a single search action. Passageways are straight, any corner or junction breaks a single passageway in two, but the corner or junction square is included in your search area. Where options exist you must indicate your direction of travel for the purposes of the search and this will define the search area and the square you end up being placed in.
If you search an area, a room or passageway, for secret doors and traps and one or more are present then the EWP will move your character onto the nearest trapped square or adjacent to the nearest trapped chest, door or secret door.
In the case of a secret door that will then be placed on the board in an open status and the EWP will lay out anything that can now be seen. This ends your turn.
In the case of trapped squares, chests or doors, you now get the chance to attempt to disarm the trap, see details below, which will result in either the trap being set off and ending your turn or the trap being disarmed (made safe).
*"Next to" covers both orthogonally and diagonally adjacent
Disarming Roll
A hero rolls a Red Die, if he scores 5 or more the trap has been disarmed and the tile is removed, otherwise he has sprung the trap.
• The Dwarf being a "Trap Master" will be successful on a roll of 3 or more
• Anyone (including the Dwarf) equipped with the Tool Kit gets a +1 on their roll.
If you prefer to use Combat Dice for activities that are not related to combat then
• Hero disarms on
• Hero with Tool Kit disarms on or
• Dwarf disarms on anything but a
• Dwarf with Tool Kit disarms on anything but a
Combined Proposal 2 wrote:
Movement and Traps
If, as part of movement you step onto a trapped square, or try to open a trapped chest or door, then the Evil Wizard player will stop your movement and inform you of the presence of a trap. At this point you must perform a roll to detect and disarm the trap.
Detect and Disarm Roll
A hero rolls a Red Die, if they score 5 or more the trap has been disarmed, otherwise they have sprung the trap.
• The Dwarf being a "Trap Master" will be successful on a roll of 3 or more
• Anyone (including the Dwarf) equipped with the Tool Kit gets a +1 on their roll.
If you prefer to use Combat Dice for activities that are not related to combat then
• Hero disarms on
• Hero with Tool Kit disarms on or
• Dwarf disarms on anything but a
• Dwarf with Tool Kit disarms on anything but a
Movement and Secret Doors
If, as part of movement, you step onto a square adjacent to a secret door, then the Evil Wizard player will stop your movement and inform you of the presence of the secret door and will place an open secret door tile in the appropriate position before laying out the contents of the dungeon behind the door.
On your turn you may opt to perform a search, this is a full turn action and includes both your action and your movement for that turn.
You may Search in a room only and not in a passageway. You must be in the room, the room must be free of monsters and you must not have any monsters in any squares next to* you to perform this action.
A room can only be searched once, although it may take more than one search action to complete a search of a room.
If the room contains one or more trapped squares then place the searcher on the nearest trapped square and follow the process above. This ends the search action.
If the room contains no trapped squares but does contain one or more secret doors then place the searcher on the square adjacent to the nearest secret door and follow the process above. This ends the search action.
If the room contains no traps and no secret doors then the searcher may have found treasure.
Some of the Quest notes detail specific treasure which can be found by searching. If a character searches in that room the Evil Wizard player should reveal what treasure is hidden there. If there is no specific treasure listed for that room, then the hero player must take the top Treasure card.
Once a room has been searched, it must be recorded as being searched by placing a tile (any tile face down will do) in the room. This room cannot be searched again.
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