by ndsandman » Saturday August 21st, 2010 4:56am
Q: Barb searches treasure get wondering monster card does he get to finish his move after monster attacks?
A: When I play, and I play the Zargon (Dungeon Master Game Master etc...) I always let them continue, Then Dwarf, Elf then Wizard.
Rules: State you move then action, or action then move.
Q: Wizard last in line, searches for treasure, gets wondering monster, does monster get another attack?
A: Yes the first attack was a surprise attack, and now it's his normal attack, and any other monsters on the board as well get their turn.
Rules: Not sure if this was ever mention, during my games it done that way.
Rule Book: Also states if the wondering monster can not be placed next to the character that drew the card, place it near the character and it does NOT get to attack another character. Well in my House Rules the mosters does get to attack.
Q: Is it a rule non treasure cards get reshuffled,?
A: Page 14 in my rule book states Treasure card gold and jewels are discarded, Trap cards and wondering monster cards are returned to the deck reshuffled prior to a new treasure card being drawn.
Answer in more depth: I use the rules as a guide line, and not this is the only way to play. When I first started playing, I followed them as written.
Later on you can give in here and there to a point. I don't allow characters to move diagonally, share a same spot on the board, pass through a occupied spot either from another character or monster unless that person says it ok, and monster never say its ok LOL in my book. Listed on this site, people have posted their own house rules to add to the game, not sure if any of my house rules have ever violated the game printed rules.
Somethings are left up to the (Dungeon Master) even after reading them in the book. Example the game board is 26 spaces wide and 19 spaces high.
So if someone is on the bottom hallway and searches for traps, treasure or secret doors, does that person really get to check all 26 spaces wide? The entire width of the board? In my house rules I have divided the board up in quarters, so if your in the first 13 spaces on the bottom thats what you are checking, if your on 14 through 26 thats where the search is taking place. Am I breaking a rule in the game, I am not sure, I am going with more of a real life look at it.
Also if you are on the lower left square of the board walking to the right, I don't place a door on the room 24 spaces away, I play it as you would not see it till your closer. If anyone thinks thats a wrong appoach, let me know, I just thought it seems more brelievable, unless I am taking a roll-playing game to a role-playing game to much.
If you are the DM, remember if the players are having a hard time getting through it, they might quit playing, if its to easy they could get bored and might quit because of that too. A good DM keeps the players wanting more, and that is a hard job sometimes. You can not please everyone !!!!
Well thats my 2 cents worth ...
Oh and PS: Welcome as I now see you are our newest member!!!
He Who Dies with the Most Loot
Probably Ran into the Dragon