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Search for Treasure!

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Search for Treasure!

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday October 25th, 2018 12:53pm

I have a few questions and a minor issue with treasure searching:
If the hero searches for Treasure and there's a pit trap or spear trap in the room, does he immediately spring the trap or does that only apply to a trapped chest? It says in the booklet he's moving around and opening things, so it seems like he should spring it. If so This would imply that every trap in the room needs to be disarmed (or sprung) before you can search for treasure.

I don't know how it works in the European version, but in North America all heroes are allowed 1 search per room. Does anyone else find this too annoying, the heroes will max out much too quickly. Shouldn't 1 search be sufficient enough to end it?
I'm thinking one search per room should be sufficient unless maybe if there's something specific in the quest booklet and another minor search could be made. 1 Treasure card per room. If the room has 2 chests, 1 search each chest... or maybe since the furniture doesn't have any specific value (except for a chest) maybe I should limit the heroes 1 search per room unless there's furniture, like every piece of furniture can be searched.


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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby The Admiral » Thursday October 25th, 2018 1:50pm

I'm sure that only chest traps are sprung by the search, but your thoughts are logical. It is one of many strange facets of this simple game e.g finding a secret door in a corridor that is beyond a pit trap. It is the simplicity that makes it playable, and also highly adaptable to adding house rules.

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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby j_dean80 » Thursday October 25th, 2018 7:46pm

I think if they searched the room for traps first they can avoid them even if not disarmed. Not including a chest trap.
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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby wallydubbs » Friday October 26th, 2018 7:18am

j_dean80 wrote:I think if they searched the room for traps first they can avoid them even if not disarmed. Not including a chest trap.

Yes, I've come across this before: the Elf and Wizard were in a room, they searched for traps and found a spear trap, but the Dwarf was elsewhere unable to disarm it, so when the Wizard seatched for treasure it was agreed that since they know where the trap is they know where not to look.

However this brought up issues in The Great Gate of Keller's Keep: there are 2 pit traps surrounding a treasure chest in a corner of the room makes A, they searched for traps and spotted the pit traps, but the Dwarf was out in the hall, so when they wanted to search for treasure I reasoned it wasn't possible to check the chest unless the pit traps are disarmed.

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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby j_dean80 » Friday October 26th, 2018 7:30pm

wallydubbs wrote:
j_dean80 wrote:I think if they searched the room for traps first they can avoid them even if not disarmed. Not including a chest trap.

Yes, I've come across this before: the Elf and Wizard were in a room, they searched for traps and found a spear trap, but the Dwarf was elsewhere unable to disarm it, so when the Wizard seatched for treasure it was agreed that since they know where the trap is they know where not to look.

However this brought up issues in The Great Gate of Keller's Keep: there are 2 pit traps surrounding a treasure chest in a corner of the room makes A, they searched for traps and spotted the pit traps, but the Dwarf was out in the hall, so when they wanted to search for treasure I reasoned it wasn't possible to check the chest unless the pit traps are disarmed.

It would be possible to avoid the "mechanism" that triggers said pit trap.
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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby lestodante » Saturday October 27th, 2018 5:23am

I agree with 1 search (1 treasure card) per room allowed and 1 to search traps. Other heroes cannot perform additional searchs.
If there is a chest in the room, the hero must be adiacent to the chest open it. If they search a room with a chest they take 1 treasure card, then they can ALSO open the chest and see what's inside.
If there are traps, also inside the chest, and the heroes have ALREADY searched for traps, the heroes can try to disinnescate it by using the toolkit.

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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby j_dean80 » Saturday October 27th, 2018 7:21am

In the NA you ONLY draw a treasure card if the room has no special treasures.
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Re: Search for Treasure!

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday October 27th, 2018 3:01pm

lestodante wrote:I agree with 1 search (1 treasure card) per room allowed and 1 to search traps. Other heroes cannot perform additional searchs.
If there is a chest in the room, the hero must be adiacent to the chest open it. If they search a room with a chest they take 1 treasure card, then they can ALSO open the chest and see what's inside.
If there are traps, also inside the chest, and the heroes have ALREADY searched for traps, the heroes can try to disinnescate it by using the toolkit.

I agree, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

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