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If a hero dies

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: If a hero dies

Postby TMU » Sunday December 2nd, 2012 4:41am

Mistä oot kotosin? :D
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Re: If a hero dies

Postby Ethica » Sunday December 2nd, 2012 7:55am

I would say that if there are encumbrance limits (with an exception for essential quest treasures like the spirit blade) then a heroes equipment will have to be left in the dungeon.

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Re: If a hero dies

Postby TempleMagistrate » Sunday December 2nd, 2012 3:10pm

That sounds more realistic indeed. But could a Hero (as new character) continue a hard quest after a death with no equipments? It could be very hard...
By the way, how about the transactions between characters? For example can a hero give some gold to the new one in order to buy some equipments?
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Re: If a hero dies

Postby drathe » Sunday December 2nd, 2012 3:31pm

TempleMagistrate wrote:I think the best and more comfortable way should be the loss of all gold coins as a penalty for the Hero. However, the equipment is necessary for him as the quests could be very difficult for a "nude" hero.
I also like the idea of picking the equipment from another hero and the give it to the new character.
As a last and fair idea you can choose either to continue as above or start the quest from the beginning (as a saved checkpoint) but Morcar should change the place and the amount of monsters or objectives (p.ex. the Blade of Spirit in another room) in a way that it does not make the quest harder.
I also agree that unfortunately the rules book doesn't clarify any kind of penalty.

PS : My first post.Glad to be among you guys..!

I don't recall the Eurpoean rules covering the topic clearly, if at all. But the American rules state the following:

Page 22. American Instruction Manual wrote:What Happens To A Dead Hero?
As a Hero, if you dies, you are out of the game for the rest of that Quest. You may, however, rename your Hero and play him as a new character in the next Quest. Armor, weapons, and treasures that belonged to you prior to death can be picked up by any other Hero in the room with you.

Warning! If there are no other Heroes in the room or corridor with you when you die, any monster in the room or corridor with you will claim your possessions. It may not, however, use them. They are removed from the game.

Doesn't really explain what happens to your loot if there are no Heroes or Monsters in the same room or corridor. Until getting the Mage of the Mirror, I just assumed the loot was lost. Now with the equipment tiles used in Mage of the Mirror when a Hero turns into a werewolf, I just use those tiles to show where the loot is. Then a Hero, or Monster may find them.

If all Heroes die in a quest, we usually start the quest again with a new layout, but they begin with what ever they currently have on their sheets, minus any treasure they may have discovered in that quest. If they used potions, sucks to their asmar.

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Re: If a hero dies

Postby Sjeng » Sunday December 2nd, 2012 3:44pm

yeah, that's what I'd do when playing advanced quests.
Let others pick up gear of a fallen hero, get a new hero after the quest, give him the equipment. Gold is lost though as penalty.
And same as drathe said when all heroes die.
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Re: If a hero dies

Postby TempleMagistrate » Wednesday December 5th, 2012 8:56am

Thanks for your response guys. I appreciate it...!
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