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Some rules questions, please help

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby knightkrawler » Friday August 3rd, 2012 5:06am

The German rules say - in the rulebook - that every spell not cast on yourself requires line of sight. Period.
Some spell cards, however, contradict this rule somewhat.
I trust the rulebook in that respect, though I'm all over writing a new one for my group.
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby Sjeng » Friday August 3rd, 2012 5:33am

Ethica wrote:Ball of Flame - definitely requies line of sight.
Fire of Wrath - definitely doesn't require line of sight.
Genie - Debateable.

Why is the Genie debateable? It clearly states "anywhere on the board". So it doesn't need line of sight. The Genie has eyes of it's own ;)
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby Leander » Friday August 3rd, 2012 8:22am

But the wizard doesn't say "hey, Genie, go out and pick a door you like"...he tells him which door to open and therefore he must know and see this door. Maybe the wizard is able to see through the Genie's eyes once the spell has been cast.
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby knightkrawler » Friday August 3rd, 2012 9:41am

I'm with Leander there.
All spells not cast on yourself require line of sight according to the German rules.
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby Ethica » Friday August 3rd, 2012 10:18am

Sjeng wrote:
Ethica wrote:Ball of Flame - definitely requies line of sight.
Fire of Wrath - definitely doesn't require line of sight.
Genie - Debateable.

Why is the Genie debateable? It clearly states "anywhere on the board". So it doesn't need line of sight. The Genie has eyes of it's own ;)

I wasn't looking at the cards, just answering from memory. You are right, if it says anywhere on the board then no line of sight required- no debate.

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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby cynthialee » Friday August 3rd, 2012 11:50am

I require LOS on all three.
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby Goblin-King » Friday August 3rd, 2012 12:52pm

Have anyone ever actually used the Genie to open a door? My group never has... In which situation would it be a good idea, considering you loose a ranged dice 5 attack?

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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby knightkrawler » Friday August 3rd, 2012 12:54pm

Never... ever... ever.
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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby drathe » Friday August 3rd, 2012 1:38pm

Goblin-King wrote:Have anyone ever actually used the Genie to open a door? My group never has... In which situation would it be a good idea, considering you loose a ranged dice 5 attack?

1. Solo Quest.
2. Repeated fails to open a stone door due to really bad rolling.
3. Wizard went a different route and wanted through a stone door.

I was surprised when it happened the second and third time as it wasn't really needed.

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Re: Some rules questions, please help

Postby Leander » Monday August 6th, 2012 7:46am

If the wizard decides to open a door and reveal a room with the Genie are only the monsters placed or are also the traps shown?
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