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Buying Equipment

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Buying Equipment

Postby torilen » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 8:57am

I don't think I've seen that wandering monster card - I love that.
I may have to steal that for future posts.

EDIT - better yet - could drathe maybe put it on the side with the
other smilies and such? hmm. hmm. huh? huh? maybe?

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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby TMU » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 9:12am

torilen wrote:EDIT - better yet - could drathe maybe put it on the side with the
other smilies and such? hmm. hmm. huh? huh? maybe?

I'd love that, it would be a nicee add to other smileys :)
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 9:52am

perhaps an icon for the usergroup: humorists. or for those who have thought up custom rules and other resources for HQ. (most of us :P)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 3:19pm

If the card were in the Gallery, anyone could access it.

Goblin-King wrote:In regard to Daedalus' post:

"Picking things up" is the closest parallel to drawing a new weapon mentioned in the game. I'd say by extension drawing weapons or even drawing a weapon and sheathing/stowing another don't count as actions in the rules as written. Finding treasure also demonstrates this. On a Hero's turn, treasure may be searched for, picked up, and stowed in one turn with just one action, not three.

That's a bit of a stretch. I just don't think you can compare finding treasure to switching weapons like that. Also that rule specifically states what does NOT cost an action. If switching isn't mentioned it's because it's not free (or even possible?). At best, treasure finding arguments that switching should at least cost your action.

For a real stretch, consider that the rules allow for an unlimited number of potions to be gotten out and drank in a turn--all as a no-action.

While I went with equipping a new weapon as a no action, I didn't houserule switching as such:

Daedalus wrote:My own house rule is to allow just one additional nonaction in a Hero's turn, such as drawing a new weapon. If a Hero also wants to sheath/stow the old weapon, he must have a free hand to hold it and do so on his next turn. If this isn't possible due to a Shield or needing two hands to attack with the new weapon, then the old weapon must be dropped, to be picked up as a Search For Treasure action after combat. That's a lot of grain, but there ya go.

My Houserule for switching weapons often does require an action. However, if a Hero is only armed with a one-handed crossbow, hasn't yet attacked, and wishes to equip a one-handed broadsword and attack with it, he may do so in the same turn if he doesn't have a shield equipped. I see this as the advantage of forgoing a shield (or 2-handed weapon attack, for that matter). This is also how the Crossbowman works.

Goblin-King wrote:
You may only attack with one weapon at a time.
This indicates that that a Hero may use more than one weapon during a Quest, such as a Broadsword and a Crossbow.

Or it could simply just indicate that you can't wield two weapons at once. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with switching or using multiple weapons during a quest.

True, dat. You have to look to the Crossbowman Man-at-arms/Mercenary in the expansions to see it as applying to switching weapons as well. Game rules often require judgement to interpret satisfactorily. Your reductive take is simpler, and good because of that. I like my additive approach for the tactical options, but the detail isn't for everyone.

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