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Buying Equipment

Discuss the Rules of HeroQuest as set out by Milton Bradley Game Systems and Quest Packs.

Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Blackthorn » Tuesday December 11th, 2012 11:51am

There's actually a precedent in the rules for this as the Crossbowman in the Barbarian Quest Pack switches to a broadsword when fighting an adjacent foe and does not have to expend movement or an action to do so. I've always let my heroes carry more than one weapon and switch during a quest, but having them expend an action to change weapons makes sense.
Last edited by Blackthorn on Wednesday December 12th, 2012 2:07am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby TMU » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 1:38am

True. They can't switch there weapons just by snapping there fingers :)
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 2:13pm

TMU wrote:If a hero (For example Barbarian) buys for ex. a Staff, can barbarian change his weapon as he likes during a quest? As Sword :arrow: Staff :arrow: Sword.

The European rules are unfortunately reticent in this area, but as any rule enforcing some kind of cost is lacking, then by virtue of omission the opposite holds sway: a Hero may change weapons within a Quest multiple times without limit.

Published afterwards, the North American Instruction Booklet has a bit more information related to switching weapons and actions. Found on p.13 under Looking And Opening Doors:
    Important: Getting caught in a trap,
    drinking potions, and picking things up
    also do not count as actions. They can
    be done at any time during your turn.
"Picking things up" is the closest parallel to drawing a new weapon mentioned in the game. I'd say by extension drawing weapons or even drawing a weapon and sheathing/stowing another don't count as actions in the rules as written. Finding treasure also demonstrates this. On a Hero's turn, treasure may be searched for, picked up, and stowed in one turn with just one action, not three.

Also found later on p.13 under Action 1--Attack:

    Important: You may only attack with
    one weapon at a time.
This indicates that that a Hero may use more than one weapon during a Quest, such as a Broadsword and a Crossbow.

All that being said, Hero Quest's gameplay is so simple that there are times it just doesn't feel right, as TMU has said. The game's creator, Stephen Baker, had mentioned in an interview that his original game design had been cut down by Milton Bradley to meet it's market requirements. Therefore, any group would be well advised to add a houserule where the game experience feels oversimplified.

My own house rule is to allow just one additional nonaction in a Hero's turn, such as drawing a new weapon. If a Hero also wants to sheath/stow the old weapon, he must have a free hand to hold it and do so on his next turn. If this isn't possible due to a Shield or needing two hands to attack with the new weapon, then the old weapon must be dropped, to be picked up as a Search For Treasure action after combat. That's a lot of grain, but there ya go.

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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby TMU » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 2:44pm

Daedalus wrote:Published afterwards, the North American Instruction Booklet has a bit more information related to switching weapons and actions. Found on p.13 under Looking And Opening Doors:
    Important: Getting caught in a trap,
    drinking potions, and picking things up
    also do not count as actions. They can
    be done at any time during your turn.
"Picking things up" is the closest parallel to drawing a new weapon mentioned in the game. I'd say by extension drawing weapons or even drawing a weapon and sheathing/stowing another don't count as actions in the rules as written. Finding treasure also demonstrates this. On a Hero's turn, treasure may be searched for, picked up, and stowed in one turn with just one action, not three.

Also found later on p.13 under Action 1--Attack:

    Important: You may only attack with
    one weapon at a time.
This indicates that that a Hero may use more than one weapon during a Quest, such as a Broadsword and a Crossbow.

Wow, thanks Daedalus :shock: You've really been looking for these infos |_P
Daedalus wrote:All that being said, Hero Quest's gameplay is so simple that there are times it just doesn't feel right, as TMU has said.

Maybe it's sometimes even too simple ;)
Daedalus wrote:My own house rule is to allow just one, additional nonaction in a Hero's turn, such as drawing a new weapon. If a Hero also wants to sheath/stow the old weapon, he must have a free hand to hold it and do so on his next turn. If this isn't possible due to a Shield or needing two hands to attack with the new weapon, then the old weapon must be dropped, to be picked up as a Search For Treasure action after combat. That's a lot of grain, but there ya go.

That's a good idea too, thanks you so much Daedalus |_P
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby TMU » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 7:30am

I have finally made up my mind. This is how we play

You may use as much armour as your common sense tells you can.

Weapons you may buy as much as you can, but can take only two weapons with you to a quest.
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Decipher » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 9:42am

I believe that you, as a player, should be able to switch between weapons/armor at anytime without restriction for the exception of wondering monsters. If a player has no shield equipped but is carrying one, he should NOT be allowed to equip his shield before the wondering monster attacks. Wondering monster cards are ambush type scenarios designed to catch the players' character off guard and should be treated as such. All other instances the player is not restricted.

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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 1:22pm

As long as the monster is wondering, there's no real danger... :twisted:
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 1:37pm

Wondering Monster

Can't believe I finally get to use this again! :lol:

In regard to Daedalus' post:

"Picking things up" is the closest parallel to drawing a new weapon mentioned in the game. I'd say by extension drawing weapons or even drawing a weapon and sheathing/stowing another don't count as actions in the rules as written. Finding treasure also demonstrates this. On a Hero's turn, treasure may be searched for, picked up, and stowed in one turn with just one action, not three.

That's a bit of a stretch. I just don't think you can compare finding treasure to switching weapons like that. Also that rule specifically states what does NOT cost an action. If switching isn't mentioned it's because it's not free (or even possible?). At best, treasure finding arguments that switching should at least cost your action.

You may only attack with one weapon at a time.
This indicates that that a Hero may use more than one weapon during a Quest, such as a Broadsword and a Crossbow.

Or it could simply just indicate that you can't wield two weapons at once. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with switching or using multiple weapons during a quest.

I'm not saying these aren't valid arguments, but I find them to be a bit biased in favor of wanting a switch system.
I stand by my statement in the other thread that there isn't really a real answer to be found in the rulebook.

Conclusion: House rules are your friend ;)

Also, do you have link to the Stephen Baker interview?
Last edited by Goblin-King on Tuesday June 18th, 2013 2:01pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 1:55pm

It cracks me up every time... |_P
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Re: Buying Equipment

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 1:18am

Goblin-King wrote:Also, do you have link to the Stephen Baker interview?

Alas, I can't find it again. :( I fear it was linked from Legolasbaker's defunct site. If I ever do locate it, I'll be sure to post it.

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