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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
SirRick wrote: Holy Smokes! I really can’t believe the lady who designed this quest pack actually got paid money to do this! I doubt she even knew anything about the game considering the quest I just finished had 3 Zombies as the wandering monster (the GS only has 2). I’m convinced that the people who designed the old NA quest packs had no idea each room in a quest could be searched for treasure 4 times (once for each hero). I am not sure if AtOH or WoM used multiple wandering monsters, but even only a single monster can easily double the amount of monsters faced in a quest. When you have two or three jumping out at you, sometimes multiple times in one room? It makes for a very annoying game.
Kurgan wrote: Granted, it was the same party that completed Frozen Horror (players came and went but the 4-5 heroes remained).
Sep 27, 2024
HeroQuest players, this APP update now includes the Expansion Quest Set: First Light. New heroes, your quest starts here! Deep within the mountain halls of Tuel-Vor, the warlock Qwindrak feeds his wicked ambitions. In his search for power he has uncovered a strain of Dread magic that surely spells doom for us all—most certainly if Kessandria the Witch Queen learns of it. You must journey to the Fortress of the Fire King to unravel ancient secrets, disrupt the advance of the Witch Queen’s forces, and put an end to Qwindrak in a race for the fate of the realm.
Contains content updates and bug fixes.
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