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PostPosted: Sunday June 9th, 2024 10:29pm
by Kurgan

Interesting... cheating crossbowmen in 3.1?

As far as the Ice Gremlins, I took it as when they are no longer having any line of sight (such as turning a corner), not just that they are standing behind another monster in order to disappear from the board. It would certainly be harder if you read it the way you do above.

Deciding to implement the Into the Northlands artifacts is cool, but how do you decide that if you're just playing with the App?


PostPosted: Sunday June 9th, 2024 10:54pm
by SirRick
I just replace similar items with the new. In quest 1 I replaced the Shield with the Spiked Shield, and the Longsword with the Ice Queen’s Spear. The Plate Mail I just found in the last quest I replaced with the Cold Iron Plate instead. The Warhorn of Command I acquired from an empty chest in the ice vault room. I don’t have any need for it because I haven’t bothered to hire any.

I still recommend giving hero players the Spiked Shield right off the bat before starting Into the Northlands or actual Quest 1 of FH.

I can’t remember if I was in the same corridor when the gremlin disappeared, but he was only a few spaces away.

And the Crossbow guys were firing through their own people, and my Barbarian standing in the doorway to try and hit the Dwarf in the back of the room. These were straight shots, not diagonal or anything. It was odd since normally the app should be attacking the Barbarian since he was the party leader and closer than the Dwarf. Even if they had not been shooting at the Dwarf, the still had no shot on the Barbarian since the Swordsmen enemies were directly in the way.

I am playing v3.1 by the way.


PostPosted: Sunday June 9th, 2024 11:29pm
by Kurgan
Do you have by chance the setting "attack weak" on? Because they will always target the lowest body point character within their range. However I don't have much experience using the app with actual ranged (non-magical) monsters so it's interesting to hear what's going on.

Maybe they still have the EU rules in mind (where LOS is not strictly enforced except in corridors)?


PostPosted: Monday June 10th, 2024 5:28am
by SirRick
The “Monsters attack weak” is turned off because it was causing a lot of problems earlier, such as monsters not pursuing anyone if a hero was not in range. They just stood there. So I turned the setting off some time ago. Idk if more recent updates fixed that setting or not.


PostPosted: Wednesday June 12th, 2024 10:29am
by HispaZargon
SirRick wrote:I noticed some different wandering monster behavior, which is likely from the 3.0 update. Its still unclear reading the rules if wandering monsters are supposed to move the turn they appear. It could certainly be interpreted that way, but I always took it to mean on Zargon’s next turn. The app eventually started having wandering monsters move away after their attack which is incredibly annoying. Since the monsters started doing this, I usually have one hero blocking the door so they could attack and run out the door. While I haven’t played a lot of quests featuring multiple wandering monsters, this is the first time I have seen one move up to attack me. The first monster attacked and moved away. The second monster then stepped forward to take a swing. I rolled badly and took 5 Body Points of damage from these two attacks alone. Usually my experience is if a wandering monster can’t reach its target, it does nothing until Zargon’s turn.

Yeah, I have also observed the same behavior of WMs in v.3.1 of the app. In my opinion, the WM can just attack when they appear onto the board, but not moving after that like the app does in cases when more than one WM is placed at the same time (the first WM attacks and after that moves away to leave space for other WM which will move and attack the hero, occuping the space left by the first WM).

Another bug I have observed is Champion and Commander Ogres from AtOH... for some reason they use to perform their first attack from a distance!!! It is clearly something wrong because they don't have such ability (only diagonal attacking because of their double base, but that's all).

And another bug is at the end of Pit of Dread mission... after killing Festral and throwing the Ring to the Pit, if you go to the final door and exit the map with the heroes, the app does not allow you to finish successfully the mission, it just said you that you failed, which is wrong.

Finally, just to notice that the App considers all potions of healing from AtOH which are not fully described in the questbook as +4BPs, instead of 1-6BPs as many of us expected. More anoying is seeing that the one found in central room of Quest 5 of AtOH is +4BPs instead of 1-6BPs like in the classic European AtOH quesbook.


PostPosted: Thursday July 4th, 2024 3:51pm
by SirRick
Today I finally played through Quest 7: The Halls of Kelvinos from the FH. This quest was fairly torturous as all the other FH quests have been. The first half of the quest went fairly smoothly, the second half was quite difficult, mostly through bad luck with dice rolls, and double Yeti wandering monster encounters. Its pretty ridiculous that a treasure search could amount to finding 15 gold coins, or an additional 10 BP of monsters to kill. Through the majority of this quest book, I have only been searching each room once, using the leader protected in the corner. After this quest, I will probably only search for treasure if there is a chest in the room. I completed the quest eventually and only had to use 3 healing potions. I found this surprising, considering the large number of high BP monsters.

The only app related issue was another instance of cheating Crossbowmen. In the diagram below (made using the awesome hquestbuilder!) Crossbowman number 1 attacked my Druid (symbolized by the Elf icon) through the wall. I moved my Barbarian out of the doorway, and moved the Druid South a couple spaces, then activated Zargon’s turn to see what would happen. Number 1 shot at the Druid through the wall. Number 2 however moved towards the door and did not attack at all, which wad odd. I was expecting both of them to shoot through the wall. The “Monsters attack weak” setting was turned off. The only settings different from the defaults are the advanced Skeletons and Goblins. So if the Crossbowmen were going to cheat, they should be shooting at the Barbarian or at least the closest hero. So I am not sure what is going on with these ranged monsters.


PostPosted: Thursday July 4th, 2024 5:46pm
by HispaZargon
Yes, I found in the app similar issues with other distant attack monsters.

The IA in these cases does not work well, no idea why of course.


PostPosted: Saturday July 13th, 2024 9:12am
by That Guy In The Sky
Apologies as no doubt this has been queried before here...

So I've bought the packs and downloaded the App, is there any way I can set the App to just end the Quest once completed WITHOUT having to return all the Hero's back to the stairs/door out etc?



PostPosted: Saturday July 13th, 2024 9:05pm
by SirRick
That Guy In The Sky wrote:Apologies as no doubt this has been queried before here...

So I've bought the packs and downloaded the App, is there any way I can set the App to just end the Quest once completed WITHOUT having to return all the Hero's back to the stairs/door out etc?


No, most quests you have to return to the stairs, or find the exit door. There is no way to make the quest end earlier.

On an unrelated note, I finished Quest 8: The Search for the Scepter, from the FH. A number of interesting things happened. I noticed the AI for Ice Gremlins when they attempt to steal is a little different than normal monster behavior in the app. A couple of times, an Ice Gremlin ran past a couple heroes to try and steal from a hero lower on the totem pole. If for some reason the target does not have something to steal the gremlin immediately follows up with an attack.

There were also some shenanigans with the ice tunnels, I was able to exploit somewhat. In one case and Ice Gremlin stole an item and ran through the ice tunnel. My Barbarian ran in after it only to find an empty room. I assumed the app was allowing me to share a space with a monster, but on the next turn, I moved the hero off the space and the monster was gone. When multiple heroes go through a tunnel the app shifts one hero over to make room for the new one. If a monster is there, instead its instantly destroyed, but not entirely. What happened was I found the other adjacent square next to the tunnel became impassable. It looked empty, but heroes were not able to move through it. So in theory if multiple monsters were to go through the same tunnel, their invisible corpses could block heroes from moving off the square, becoming stuck, or making progress further into the quest impossible.

Also, monsters going through an ice tunnel end their turn, just as a hero does, so you can run back through the tunnel, and on the next turn they will chase after you only to lose their turn to have all the heroes wail on them before they can do anything. Monsters will not use the tunnel if a hero or another monster is standing on the other end.

I had another occurrence of cheating Crossbowmen. This time they were behaving normally, until the last one fired at the Druid once again, either through the corner of one room, meaning the arrow would have to go though two walls. Or it could have flown around the corner, and over the Dwarf to hit the Druid.

One last thing of note was the app crashed on me trying to do some tactical maneuvers. To avoid risking heroes falling into the instant death crevice, I had 3 heroes wait outside around the corner to set up an ambush. The Monk (with the Snowshoes of Speed) would open each door one at a time to have the monsters chase her back to where the others were waiting. The Monk got lucky and killed one Dread Warrior with her Crossbow as she was running back to the others. The app crashed on the following turn when two Dread Warriors, the Polar Warbear, and the Yeti were all trying to funnel into my ambush. Not sure what caused it, but restarting my phone seemed to fix the issue.


PostPosted: Saturday September 21st, 2024 9:08pm
by SirRick
After about 2 months, I finally worked up the willpower to play the final double quest of The Frozen Horror. Compared to my other final quests, this one went fairly smooth, at least the first half anyway. I got fairly lucky getting to where I needed to be. When I started the quest, I went in the first door that can be seen from the starting location. The first door leads through a series of rooms that lead right to the Spiral Stairway.

In the catacombs, I searched the first room for traps and secret doors, like I do in every room. I found the secret door and followed the part through the ice tunnel. After clearing out this room, I stumbled onto the first very nasty wandering monster trap. The Barbarian took quite a beating here, but made it through all right. I went through the first door I saw, which led to the crystal key. The ensuing battle was quite difficult and the Polar Warbears were shredding through my defenses. After getting the key, I went back exactly the way I came going back upstairs. I wandered around a bit heading straight for the center, only to see it blocked off. The second wandering monster trap was here, and my Barbarian took another epic beating.

After dealing with this I headed North towards the other door I saw down the long corridor. I remembered this explored this quadrant previously. This lead to the third wandering monster trap. I had to rely on a Potion of Battle Rage to make it through this fight. This lead through some rooms with some cheap traps to make things interesting. I eventally found the ice river leading to the Frozen Horror’s chamber. Not wanting two of my party members trudging through the river and taking damage, I had the Barbarian (with the Armband of Ice) go down and open the door. The rest of the gang waited in the previous room set up in an ambush formation. The Barbarian ran back to the room fighting on the way as a conga line of death pursued him. This is where app related shenanigans started happening. The Frozen Horror’s movement animation slows down when squeezing through doors which I found amusing. The app centers the creature on one-square corridors, so its icon overlaps the walls on each side. When he got halfway down the corridor, his icon was overlapping the wall of the room the group was in. This is when the app started firing off spells at my party through the walls. I just ignored them as my group fought the minions one-by-one as they came through the door. He did cast summon undead which caused more minions to appear. Eventually they were dead. I had to back my party members up to give the FH room to come into our room. He got to attack once before we bum rushed him and finished him off. I finally beat this quest, which took about 4 hours to complete, and I only explored about 25% of the map.

Not many app related issues to report except for those caused by the FH huge size. I’ll create another post with an overall critique of this pack in the appropriate room since this post has become a bit lengthy already.