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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday July 16th, 2024 6:42pm

Vorimir wrote:Thanks! Couldnt remember where I read it but was sure I did!

By the way, POT is a quite good quest pack but I hate that "good goblin" with gargoyle stars who speaks like he has a PHD. I changed it with a swordman mercenary. I know they had to stick to core miniatures but this is just lazy writing...

Yeah, I didn't care for the good guy goblin either with Gargoyle stats.
I think Baker was rushed through this, not given a chance to play test so he wrote it as simple as possible. He did tell me he wrote the pack with beginning heroes in mind (no armor, etc.).
Nor was I a fan of that one quest where the heroes turn into orcs.

There were actually a few things about this quest pack that fell apart once I thought about it long enough. The Arena of Misildia casts Melar out of the bearer because "no magic", yet he was able to find form in an Abomination in the exact same arena.
I was also unsure what I should do regarding the Warlock in the Arena, who is already technically possessed by a Demonic Entity as I gather the Wand's weaponized power comes from said Entity.

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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby Vorimir » Saturday July 20th, 2024 4:19am

Yeah, I changed the "turned into orcs" quest, they just had to fave a summon orcs spell two times.
Its a bit strange to think in inexperienced heroes when they should have played at least the core game before it.

Because my players are experienced and heroes are fully equped I tweaked sime quests, add double wandering monsters rule and I'm using archers from Ogre Horde. They are going through it but at least is not just a walk.

Ogre Warrior
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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday July 20th, 2024 4:51pm

Vorimir wrote:Yeah, I changed the "turned into orcs" quest, they just had to fave a summon orcs spell two times.
Its a bit strange to think in inexperienced heroes when they should have played at least the core game before it.

Because my players are experienced and heroes are fully equped I tweaked sime quests, add double wandering monsters rule and I'm using archers from Ogre Horde. They are going through it but at least is not just a walk.

Yeah, the only way I see this quest pack being challenging is if someone other then the Barbarian, Berserker, Dwarf or Knight as the Bearer., but then it's only challenging for that 1 hero.

However, with all these new heroes to go around, I'm willing to to send the Bearer in with rookie heroes.

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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby Vorimir » Saturday July 20th, 2024 5:49pm

Mine was dwarf so he/they didnt had too many problems, dwarf player didnt cast any dread spell and only faled a quite small amount of rolls. They were only 3 heroes but even that way, with double wandering monsters and archers they are not steamrolling but nor having big issues.
Tomorrow we start quest 10 and maybe can also play 11.
I'm changing Zargon flame for something stronger...

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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday July 20th, 2024 11:17pm

Vorimir wrote:Tomorrow we start quest 10 and maybe can also play 11.
I'm changing Zargon flame for something stronger...

The ones where you draw random monster cards for the guards for each door, maybe you can use some of the newer monsters too, like Ogres, Specters, Polar Warbear, etc

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Re: PROPHECY OF TELOR discussion

Postby wallydubbs » Monday August 5th, 2024 1:22am

I just finished running through this quest pack again using the Rogue, Knight, Berserker and Wizard; fairly decent team and yet the Knight still doesn't have enough money to buy Plate Mail!

The Zargon's Flame mechanic doesn't make the quest all that difficult, in fact it could make the Dread Warriors to beat with potentially 1 hit. The random monster card draw however could be interesting if you add monsters from other quest packs. The first door seen drew a Ogre from the deck that the heroes led back to the starting room so they could team up against it. The next one revealed a Spawnling, which was easy enough to get by, followed by a Skullblight, Goblin and Elven Archer.

However 2 Wandering Monsters came up, which drew a Mummy and Ogre Commander... The latter was brutal, taking the Knight down for 6BP to 2 in 1 hit, but the heroes got together and took it out.

I'm just curious how everyone handles the final fight with Fellmarak. With 0BP, he's under Zargon's Flame; has attack dice, but casts a different Dread spell each turn until Escape comes up, which kills him. Is this the only way he dies, but then what's the point of defense dice? But then why no Body Points. This is confusing. The rules are very unclear in regards to this. Anyone want to offer how they handle it?

Since he's under Zargon's Flame I allowed the Wizard to cast Water of Healing to take him out.

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