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wallydubbs wrote:Well I'm pretty sure the Bracers are metal too, but isn't this the reason they made it more expensive then chainmail? It allows all the other non-heavey-armor-wearing-heroes an extra defense dice? They'll also have more gold to save up since they can't spend it on a helmet.
HispaZargon wrote:As Zargon official twitter account already confirmed too, Chain Mail may not be combined with the Bracers, but Bracers may be used by the Wizard, so I guess that's the main reason why they are 50 gold coins more expensive than Chain Mail.
Additionally, if Bracers may be used by the Wizard, I think we can be 99% confident about thinking that Bracers are not made of metal.
However, if we check the cost difference between Helmet and Shield (25 gold coins), maybe we can now justify why such difference exist. One is made of metal (Helmet) and the other not (Shield), which means the Helmet may be used by less hereoes than the Shield, the reason why we can consider the Helmet is 25 gold coins cheaper.
Then, according to all herein above, maybe we could vaguely assume that 25 gold coins is the cost increment of an armour non made of metal, and 25 gold coins the cost increment of an armour that may be used by the Wizard... which again fits with the 50 gold coins difference between Bracers and Chain Mail. Just especulation of course, but probably a useful rule for homebrew armories design...
manaknight14 wrote:The shield vs. helmet value extrapolation doesn't exactly hold though, because metal vs. non-metal isn't the only difference between those two. The shield has the drawback of occupying a hand and preventing the use of two-handed weapons. Sounds like the value of non-metal over metal would be +50, while the one-hand penalty would be worth -25. The fact that the wizard can use an item wouldn't imply any direct value that isn't captured by the non-metal quality. All the official heroes that can't wear metal armor (or are penalized for it) have the same restriction for the shield, with the sole exception of the druid.
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