More thoughts on the Druid Hero as written...
Thinking of progression here. So this character can't "wear metal armor." Are shields made of metal? That was a question. Or when they say "wear" are they just talking about helmets and body armor (plate, chainmail, Borin's Armor)? If we take the most literal intepretation, then that means they can only wear a cloak, which means maximum overall defense would be 3.
EXCEPT if they quaff a Potion of Defense (+2) and have Rock Skin cast on them +1. So 6 dice (for one defense) and then 5 thereafter until they take 1 BP of damage.
Attack strength starts at 1 (dagger). But there are no weapon restrictions. So she could have a Battle Axe (and if she can't use a shield, no worries there). And a crossbow as well! She could stock a longsword for good measure. So that's Attack: 4 adjacent, 3 ranged and diagonal.
Now add Courage +2 that means 6 adjacent, 5 ranged and diagonal until can no longer see a monster. Add a Potion of Strength +2 and that's 8 adjacent or 6 ranged or diagonal (for one attack anyway).
But wait, this character has spells too! So the Shapeshift spell (which you can ONLY use on yourself) gives you +1 attack and +1 defense until you suffer 1 BP of damage. So upgrade those totals:
ATTACK: 9 adjacent or 8 ranged or 8 diagonal (for one attack, then 7/6/6 thereafter until monsters no longer seen -2 or damage taken -1).
Base (4 adjacent for Battleaxe, 3 ranged for Crossbow, 3 diagonal for longsword) + Shapeshift (+1 as long as no damage taken) + Courage (+2 as long as monsters seen) + Potion of Strength (+2 for one attack).
Did I forget Heroic Brew? I guess the popular interpretation is that it gives you two attacks but the second attack wouldn't be "stacked" with the Potion of Strength (but if it was, it's even stronger!).
Did I do all that right? Seems pretty powerful overall even if she starts with a crap weapon. The dagger (or bare hands once that knife is thrown away) only becomes 2 under the influence of Shapeshift, though this could be maintained for quite awhile in a quest with effort, though it seems like a waste until she gets a better weapon.
She has two healing spells (each can only be used once per quest). One that heals 4 BP ("Lifeforce") and one that can heal 2 (if the "Search" function of the Pixie isn't used). All she has to do to regain the Shapeshift ability is heal to maximum, which can be done with a Potion of Healing, or be healed by one of these spells of hers or from another character (Wizard/Elf could use Water of Healing or Healbody, and Orc Bard could use HealingSong). She maxes out at 6 BP.
Back to defense. Shapeshift adds +1 defense. So let's see...
DEFEND = 6 overall (base 2 + 1 Shapeshift + 1 Rock Skin + 2 Potion of Defense).
Now if it turns out that Shields and/or Helmets aren't included in the "no metal armor" restriction, then that could be 7 or even 8! (but once those potions and spells wear off, it would be 4 or 5.
Still, 4/3 attack isn't too shabby, and 3 defense seems weak but I would be surprised if we didn't get a Helmet or Shield option, making it 4. That's weaker than the classic non-Wizard Heroes who can have a regular 6 (with Plate/Borin's, Shield and Helmet), though.
Yes, I'm quoting me now, what of it? Other than Quest specific Treasure of course, we can only expect there to be one instance of Potion of Defense or Potion of Strength. If one or more of the Magic users is missing from the Quest, you may be lacking the Fire Spells (and can't rely on Courage) or Earth Spells (and can't rely on Rock Skin). But if both are present then you can use both, either because the Wizard picked at least Earth and Fire, or the Elf is there and picked the one you needed. Then again, Spell Scrolls are a thing in the NA versions of KK & ROTWL which will be part of this remake. Anybody who has those will have access to the unlocks, so those come into play. Both have their own copy of Courage (so 2 of those potentially) and KK has Rock Skin. If you aren't playing those packs and there's no opportunity to find one of them or draw a random scroll in the new packs of course, that might not be an option.
Will the new Quest books make use of these items? We'll have to wait and see.
Kellar's Keep as a random draw for a Spell Scroll in Quest 6. If they clarify the rules as to what order you're supposed to play them in and whether these "unlock" from pack to pack I suppose that could matter. But since you've got both of them, you can pool your Spell Scroll cards, which means a greater chance of getting the dupes (the 3 Fire Spells have two copies of each and there's two copies of the Earth Spell "Heal Body").
I should also mention that the Venom Antidote can be purchased at the Alchemist Shop for either Quest pack, which means potentially another 2 healing, which for the Druid is another opportunity to regain Shapeshift!