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wallydubbs wrote:Since we're only allowed 4 per quest, I'll take the Spelunker, Soul Sucker, Gemini and Highlander.
Still not picking the Warlock.
wallydubbs wrote:Still not picking the Warlock.
You are the Ranger, a skilled hunter who has bonded with dark Elves, being gifted with their secret skills of woodcraft. Let your allies protect you while you deal damage from afar. Counts as Wizard hero for the purposes of which weapons, artifacts, and equipment they can use.
Ranger's Unique Weapon:
Sylvan Bow
This bow gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice against any monster you can "see." A Ranger may purchase a bow for 125 gold coins. Wielded by any other Hero, it only attacks with 1 combat die, since they lack the special skill.
The Ranger's three spells:
Hunter Mode
The Ranger ignores pit traps and may roll 1 extra combat die each time they attack, until the spell is broken. The spell is broken when the Hero suffers 1 point of Body damage.
Regain this spell when you reduce a monster's Body points to zero.
This spell causes any one monster to become so fearful that their attacks are reduced to one combat die. The spell can be broken on a future turn by rolling one red die for each of their Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
Cast this spell on an enemy’s turn after you have suffered damage. Reduce that damage to 0 and move instantly to any unoccupied square you can "see."
Cael Darkhollow wrote:In my head all fantasy games roughly belong in the same world so I would like things to be generally consistent. For example with dwarf or elf races you know exactly what your are going to get built upon established fantasy lore, a dragon is a dragon and a skeleton is a skeleton; generally consistent regardless if you are playing D&D, Gauntlet, Warhammer, HeroQuest, Zelda, Dragon Warrior or whatever. These recognizable tropes are important for game world immersion.
"Warlock" in general is taken to mean a male witch or spellcaster, usually of evil intent, so for them to reinvent the term for this new character class seems stupid. (I have not played 5th edition D&D, perhaps the "new" warlock definition stems from there?) Suddenly we aren't really consistent with the established fantasy folklore.
Reaper can sell miniatures for nearly any fantasy game because they understand this principle fantasy gamers want a generic consistent fantasy world as a basis. New stuff can be introduced as long as it doesn't trample established lore. If someone starts calling their new 8 armed bat winged snake headed monstrosities "dyrads" or "Goblins" in a new game, they will immediately raise eyebrows, scoffs, ire and derisive comments from veteran fantasy gamers, "that isn't a dyrad you fool." They should have just come up with a new name.
To me a demon possessed character wouldn't be a welcome addition to the adventuring party, rather they would be tied up waiting for the arrival of the priest or attacked outright if the host could not be saved. Villagers would be tying them to the stake, not having a pint with them at the tavern.
Kurgan wrote:Your oath has been fulfilled!Ranger
You are the Ranger, a skilled hunter who has bonded with dark Elves, being gifted with their secret skills of woodcraft. Let your allies protect you while you deal damage from afar. Counts as Wizard hero for the purposes of which weapons, artifacts, and equipment they can use.
Ranger's Unique Weapon:
Sylvan Bow
This bow gives you the attack strength of 2 combat dice against any monster you can "see." A Ranger may purchase a bow for 125 gold coins. Wielded by any other Hero, it only attacks with 1 combat die, since they lack the special skill.
The Ranger's three spells:
Hunter Mode
The Ranger ignores pit traps and may roll 1 extra combat die each time they attack, until the spell is broken. The spell is broken when the Hero suffers 1 point of Body damage.
Regain this spell when you reduce a monster's Body points to zero.
This spell causes any one monster to become so fearful that their attacks are reduced to one combat die. The spell can be broken on a future turn by rolling one red die for each of their Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken.
Cast this spell on an enemy’s turn after you have suffered damage. Reduce that damage to 0 and move instantly to any unoccupied square you can "see."
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