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Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

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Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby drathe » Sunday August 28th, 2011 2:00am

I had the opportunity to play HeroQuest online using Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for the VASSAL engine. It's a great bit of fun and an excellent way for friends who are too far away to play at the table to do some questing. There's a simple readme with the module, which I suggest you read. It's short and describes the various buttons and options. You can play with 2 to 5 people. One as Morcar/Zargon, who can control all the module's options. Most important of which is setting up the board. This can be done in advance (and saved) with all elements invisible to the players until revealed. I suggest you set things up in advance whenever you can as it speeds the actual game along.

Hero players can move their figures around the board. In doing so, you make a trail. This allows the Morcar player to know where you've stepped should traps need to be sprung. This is not a PC game in the traditional sense. There is no AI to control things at any point. It's meant to be as close to actually playing the game on a table as possible, but online so people all around the world can play together. There's a build in chat feature and important information is also recorded there, such as dice rolls, spell castings and potion uses. Anyone looking to play some HeroQuest, but can't find anyone locally should hook up with friends online, download the VASSAL engine and the HeroQuest module and get gaming. It's get fun! :D

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby Sjeng » Sunday August 28th, 2011 4:16am

Can you post screenshots?
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby Patroclus » Monday August 29th, 2011 8:27am

:O very cool!... I'll try it today for sure... VERY good idea!

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby AerynB » Monday August 29th, 2011 9:44pm

I second the recommendation. It's a very cool way to play HQ with far away friends online. drathe summed it up really well. Anything you can do in the actual board game can be done in the module, from traps to potions, to custom monster stats and special treasures. I really like the chat feature, too, so Zargon/Morcar and the Heroes can trash talk! :lol: I'm so glad I downloaded this program and gave it try. Way to go, Lurchbrick!! |_P

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby LurchBrick » Tuesday August 30th, 2011 8:19am

Glad you guys liked it.

As a special present, I've completed version 0.8! This version introduces a more streamlined interface and now includes all the Ogre Horde miniatures.


I'm currently working on including the Barbarian pack for the next version.

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby AerynB » Tuesday August 30th, 2011 8:26am

Warbears and Yeti and Ice Gremlins, oh my!!
Wow! Thanks, lurch. :D

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby el_flesh » Friday September 2nd, 2011 10:05am

It would be cool to have load files that setup the board for the particular quest immediately...how could that be done? (Since I haven't looked at the program yet...)
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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby drathe » Friday September 2nd, 2011 2:53pm

Begin a new game as Zargon/Morcar, create your board and save it. (be sure to make everything except the items in the starting area invisible). Once you begin a game with players, they can sync to you and see your game.

Note: Boards created in v7 will not load in v8. I'm not sure if this will continue with every update. Be sure to use the latest version.

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby LurchBrick » Friday September 2nd, 2011 8:17pm

I'm trying to keep backwards compatibility in the different versions. You can still load games made in 0.7 in 0.8 but you would have to replace all the miniatures on the board as they are one of the main things that have changed between versions.

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Re: Lurchbrick's HeroQuest module for VASSAL

Postby Patroclus » Friday September 9th, 2011 5:26pm

Can you upload the *.vsav of the original quests in the forum?

question: how can I add in VASSAL the marks A, B, C, etc? If it is the "question mark" item, is it possible to make it invisible?

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