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Weltenlaeufer HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Tuesday March 5th, 2019 7:59pm
by Weltenlaeufer
I just layed out the board I want to use for my entry into the Sir Ragnar mission. Its still the board I printed in A4 gluing the pieces together, so its not perfect. Gonna exchange it for a smooth vinyl print later this week but its a start. :D

The heroes start out in a tavern (trip and trap tavern from Heroic maps) where I gonna explain the rules, they choose their spells and maybe find the secret passage behind the bar that will lead them into the basement where there is a secret item (spellscroll). Of course ONLY IF they manage to distract the Inn keeper so they can sneak down there. However they perform they gonna eventually become aware of the old mysterious looking dude (El dude :mrgreen: ) sitting in the tavern all by himself watching them with pearcing eyes as they go about their business. When they decide to speak with him he is gonna introduce them to the mission and will give them hints for the ruins that supposedly hold the entrance to the secret dungeon where Sir Ragnar is captured.

When they go on their way they will discover the ruins:


They enter from the west and the area will be laid out in eyesight once they move. I put out the board how it will look. They will make their way south east and maybe find the treasure chest through a secret door (which I forgot to lay out) and eventually gonna make their way to the lower right, where they have to check to find the secret door that will lead them to a trapdoor (secret passage), a secret, tiny underground tunnel that leads them to the upper left where they find the dungeon entrance. I think I ll have each of them roll a test if they get through the tunnel without harm because its a nasty tunnel :lol: . When they find the dungeon entrance (upper left) I fly in the original board. :mrgreen:




Dont know what I gonna do with the tomb yet, if it contains a clue or something or just for decoration. Oh and I probably will lay out a few traps here and there for good measure. :D

Just felt like sharing, as I was stoked when I saw board and the green moss I bought today. :P

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Tuesday March 5th, 2019 8:26pm
by j_dean80
Just sayin...your secret door tile is backwards.

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Tuesday March 5th, 2019 8:31pm
by Weltenlaeufer
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 10:39am
by Thantos
Moss looks great for an outdoor board! Wandering Monsters: Any beetles that crawl out of your moss? ;)

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 12:30pm
by Thor-in
That is really cool looking, I like it. I've always wanted to do something like that, but never fully figured out how I should do it. Thanks for the inspiration. |_P

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 1:13pm
by mitchiemasha
All this time and I've never thought of adding the bush as you did. Adds so much. I like it.

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 4:19pm
by lestodante
Your board looks very good. I bet Sir Ragnar was buried alive under that tomb... I can hear his weak screams coming from the subsoil!

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 4:56pm
by Spookyhappyfun
That looks incredible! Great job!

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 5:50pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Thantos wrote:Moss looks great for an outdoor board! Wandering Monsters: Any beetles that crawl out of your moss? ;)

:lol: :lol: the MONSTERBEETLE!! :lol:

Re: Weltenlaeufers HQ Adventure

PostPosted: Thursday March 7th, 2019 5:51pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Thor-in wrote:That is really cool looking, I like it. I've always wanted to do something like that, but never fully figured out how I should do it. Thanks for the inspiration. |_P

This forum and what people are doing here with this game is such an inspiration to me, I am glad I could inspire a bit too :)

Thanks everyone, I really like the moss too. :) Its so much fun setting this up and thinking about ways how to make it more alive.