So we had our first adventure with the additional boards and the "The Rescue of Sir Ragnar" quest. What a battle!
The intro boards worked great, first the Inn where they managed to get the Innkeeper drunk so he fell asleep on the bar and find the secret spellscroll in the basement. They got the mission from mysterious El Dude at the Inn and went travelling two days and nights to the southern ruins (Board 2), where they got hit by traps and after a bit of searching found some gold coins and the secret passage to the dungeon.
I was lifefeeding soundeffects from the tabletopaudio was a trip. I mean I started at the Inn, outside, with soundeffects for wind blowing, light rain, Inn sign squeaking and when they stepped inside I switched sound effects to open door, small crowd, footsteps, rain outside, fireplace....
This app even has an Innkeeper, shouting to leave their axe at the door!!
:D And the soundeffect for the mission guy " Psssst---wanna make some easy money....I got something for you!" This live app is a trip!!
So at the ruins I switched to different sounds, wet footstops, crows, occasional dogs barking in the distance, low wind, stream, thunderstorm from far away. And added some tribal drums from the distance once they found the passage....
Once they hit the board, it was epic battle. Dungeon vibe sounds....I triggered battle music once they hit a room with monsters and switched sounds fitting the situation.
I used the american rules which was so much more fun then what I remembered from when I was a kid. I used this overhauled questbook by I forgot his name from someone on here on the forum...its with the american layoutmaps I think, so a bit of a mix with the Europe edition which I have.
Once they found Sir Ragnar and the alarm kicked off I played this really epic, scary dark pulse sound in the dungeon and put everything on the board. They got friggin scared!! The dwarf was almost dead already. It was so much fun. They tried to make it to the stairs trying to fight off the onslaught of orcs and goblins. The barbarian didnt make it, neither did the dwarf. It was the elf and the wizard against two orcs and a goblin in the end right outside the stairway room.....They made it....but BARELY!
It was the perfectly balanced difficulty with this questbook and the american bodypoints. I cannot wait to play the next one. The group is hooked!
(evil laugh!)
It was a blast!