The heroes start out in a tavern (trip and trap tavern from Heroic maps) where I gonna explain the rules, they choose their spells and maybe find the secret passage behind the bar that will lead them into the basement where there is a secret item (spellscroll). Of course ONLY IF they manage to distract the Inn keeper so they can sneak down there. However they perform they gonna eventually become aware of the old mysterious looking dude (El dude

When they go on their way they will discover the ruins:

They enter from the west and the area will be laid out in eyesight once they move. I put out the board how it will look. They will make their way south east and maybe find the treasure chest through a secret door (which I forgot to lay out) and eventually gonna make their way to the lower right, where they have to check to find the secret door that will lead them to a trapdoor (secret passage), a secret, tiny underground tunnel that leads them to the upper left where they find the dungeon entrance. I think I ll have each of them roll a test if they get through the tunnel without harm because its a nasty tunnel

Dont know what I gonna do with the tomb yet, if it contains a clue or something or just for decoration. Oh and I probably will lay out a few traps here and there for good measure.

Just felt like sharing, as I was stoked when I saw board and the green moss I bought today.