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[Group Quest][1 Quest] Aumetillien's Head

PostPosted: December 20th, 2013, 10:01 am
by torilen
UPDATE 7-5-18:
The full PDF with the map and other encounters is now posted - 3rd comment down on the 3rd page:



I have a whole pdf that I will post which will include a small-scale map and surrounding encounter notes.
I wanted to post the actual encounter with the demon head, though...this could be hilarious times during a game.

In a remote region of the mountains, a small glen exists beyond a mysterious forest. Hallerie Glen itself is mostly uninhabited except for animal life, though it has been rumored that a good number of faerie creatures have been spotted within the forest that blocks the way into the glen. To this day, there is very little that would be found within the glen that would be of value to anyone - no exotic flowers or herbs, no hidden treasures, nothing.

There is but one reason anyone would travel to Hallerie Glen, a grave and horrible reason: to visit the head of Aumetillien, The Cursed Demon. Aumetillien is hundreds of years old, and the last three hundred years of his life have been spent simply as a head, unable to move or act in any way, stripped of most of his magical powers, sitting in a clearing near the back portion of Hallerie Glen. Three hundred years ago, Aumetillien made the mistake of making a small kind gesture to a young girl who had accidentally summoned him. Why the demon did such a thing, no one knows, no one will ever know. He paid for this mistake. For a demon to show kindness to anyone who summons him is seen as weakness, and demons rarely stand for weakness within their ranks. Aumetillien was cursed by his fellow demons and his superiors. The removed his body, leaving nothing but his head, stripped nearly all of his magical powers, and dropped his head within Hallerie Glen which, at that time, was quite far from anything remotely resembling civilization. Aumetillien's fellow demons also made sure that he would continue to pay for his mistake for a long time, placing wards around his head to ensure that it cannot be moved or destroyed in any way.

It has been said that Aumetillien still controls useful bits of magic, mainly the ability to see and hear what happens in many various places, as well as the ability to speak with his fellow demons as well as with some undead, both those that are in the material world and those that remain in "the beyond". If this is true, the demon-head could prove to be an excellent source of information for a party of heroes.

There is one tiny problem, however: Aumetillien is considered to be quite insane. Alone for most of the three hundred years he has been simply a head, with only the occasional humanoid visitor or faerie tormentor, he has developed a number of disturbing quirks. For example, he sings almost constantly to himself, loudly, so that it can be heard long distances away. These songs are horrible to hear, mostly about violence, death, blood, and fear and terror. He also finds himself very amusing, and laughs often. This laugh is hideous and terrifying to the feint of heart, more like the cackle one would expect to hear from a skeletal crow as it watches vultures pick at a rotting corpse.

This is not to say that his insanity is the only problem. Aumetillien is still a demon, even if only a head, and will act as all demons will act. He will lie and deceive when possible, and never gives up any information for free. He expects payment for even the smallest hint of knowledge, and that payment is rarely easy or benign in nature. Typically, it involves pain and bloodshed, if not from some innocent victim then usually from the visitor itself. Above and beyond this hazard, Aumetillien still has contacts with the demon world, as well as the world of the undead, and while he was cursed and abandoned, demons and undead need little persuading when it comes to hunting down humans and their kind. Should some poor human, elf, dwarf, or any other creature, run afoul of Aumetillien, there would most likely be an endless stream of dangerous monsters seeking the pitiful thing until it is dead and its soul belongs to them.

There are supposedly some ways to calm the demon-head when upset, as well as some ways to extract truthful information without the worry of severe bodily harm. While most of the songs Aumetillien sings are dark and demented, he also enjoys the average tavern drinking song, as long as there are others to sing with him and plenty of drink to be had while singing. Since the demon-head has sat so long in Hallerie Glen and has been tormented by the faerie creatures that live within Banligh Wood, Aumetillien will be very grateful for the sacrifice of some faerie creature, so long as that sacrifice takes place in his presence. It has been said that the longer and more gruesome the sacrifice, the happier it will make him. Lastly, it has been said that Aumetillien is extremely fond of blueberries. He rarely is able to eat them, since he must wait for someone to bring them to him and this almost never happens (though one of his demonic "friends" is said to bring him five or six every decade or so). It is said that he will do almost anything for blueberries, especially if it is a large amount of the tiny things.

NOTE: The following is somewhat graphic, and if you don't like talk of blood and such...don't read it. :)

(In increasing volume and insistence) Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
Give me those blueberries, damn you! You ugly sack of blood and guts! Give 'em up or I'll eat your
heart and pick my teeth with your toenails! (begins whimpering slightly) Give me the berries, I'll tell you where hordes of treasures are, just let me have a taste. (defiantly) GIMME!

(In the tune of "Row Your Boat")
Eat, eat, eat your flesh
Right off of your bones
Tear out your heart, and scoop out your eyes,
You'll never see your home

Sip, Sip, Sip your blood
Your vein in like a straw
Thick and wet, so yummy and good,
It stains my tongue and teeth red

(In the tune of "Frère Jacques")
Blood and Guts, Blood and Guts
All Around, All Around
I roll around and wallow, all covered in your offal
Then lick you up, then lick you up

Dead and Dying, Dead and Dying
Plague will kill you good, Plague will kill you good
Fever, bloat and swelling, hear your death knell knelling
I laugh all day, I laugh all day

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 9th, 2018, 9:40 pm
by torilen
I don't know how many were interested in this...or even how many saw this originally...

However, I ran across a full quest that I had been working on for this. I've decided to finish
it up, and I hope to post it within the next week. It will include all of the original material
in this original post, along with a map of the area, some encounter site information for the
surrounding area (Hallerie Glen and the north of the woods), and possibly some actual
HQ quest maps, using the board...a young dragon's lair, maybe a small encounter in the
Elemental Earth plane...something like that.

Keep an eye out, if you are interested. Again, hopefully within the next week - got some
good work done on it today.

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 10th, 2018, 5:53 pm
by Daedalus
The Talking Heads wrote:Now lemme tell you a story
The devil he has a plan
A bag a' bones in his pocket
Got anything you want
No dust and no rocks
The whole thing is over
All these beauties in solid motion
All those beauties, gonna swallow you up

Stopped making sense years ago.

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 10th, 2018, 8:54 pm
by torilen
Daedalus wrote:
The Talking Heads wrote:Now lemme tell you a story
The devil he has a plan
A bag a' bones in his pocket
Got anything you want
No dust and no rocks
The whole thing is over
All these beauties in solid motion
All those beauties, gonna swallow you up

Stopped making sense years ago.

:shock: :? :?: :?:

Hmmm...never listened to the Talking Heads, so I cannot help you make sense of that.

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 11th, 2018, 7:08 am
by Big Bene
Extermely enjoyable, the only complain would be about poetics:
While it's no problem to "bend" the rythm at times to fit a meaningful text, I just can't see how one could sing the line "Plague will kill you good, Plague will kill you good" along the coresponding two bars of melody.

More important, every kind of poetry makes the encounter extremely hard to translate into other languages. Remember, a great deal of the inn members are no English native speakers.

My take on a German version:

"Freß, freß, freß dein Fleisch
frisch von dem Gebein!
Reiß aus dein Herz, die Augen auch,
niemals kehrst du heim!

Sauf, sauf, sauf dein Blut
Saug' die Ader aus!
So naß und dick, so lecker und rot
niemals kommst du nach haus!"

"Blut und Därme, Blut und Därme,
um mich her, um mich her.
Wälz' mich wie ein Schwein, in deinen Innerei'n,
leck' dich auf, leck' dich auf.

Krank und elend, krank und elend,
Seuchentod, Seuchentod,
von Aussätzen befallen, die Totenglocken schallen,
welch ein Fest! Welch ein Fest!"

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 11th, 2018, 8:11 am
by knightkrawler
Big Bene wrote:Extermely enjoyable, the only complain would be about poetics:
While it's no problem to "bend" the rythm at times to fit a meaningful text, I just can't see how one could sing the line "Plague will kill you good, Plague will kill you good" along the coresponding two bars of melody.

More important, every kind of poetry makes the encounter extremely hard to translate into other languages. Remember, a great deal of the inn members are no English native speakers.

My take on a German version:

"Freß, freß, freß dein Fleisch
frisch von dem Gebein!
Reiß aus dein Herz, die Augen auch,
niemals kehrst du heim!

Sauf, sauf, sauf dein Blut
Saug' die Ader aus!
So naß und dick, so lecker und rot
niemals kommst du nach haus!"

"Blut und Därme, Blut und Därme,
um mich her, um mich her.
Wälz' mich wie ein Schwein, in deinen Innerei'n,
leck' dich auf, leck' dich auf.

Krank und elend, krank und elend,
Seuchentod, Seuchentod,
von Aussätzen befallen, die Totenglocken schallen,
welch ein Fest! Welch ein Fest!"

Nicht schlecht, Herr Specht... |_P

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 11th, 2018, 11:19 am
by Anderas
Igitt das ist ja eklig :D |_P

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 11th, 2018, 2:18 pm
by Goblin-King
Goddammit! A German speaking cursed demon head!

Doesn't get any scarier than that!

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 11th, 2018, 2:57 pm
by torilen
Big Bene, I certainly get your point. It is a great complaint, but honestly,
poetic writing almost never goes from one language to another without losing
a lot of it's poetics. Pablo Neruda....reading it in English is very nice if you
get a good translation. Reading it in the original language, of course, will be
so much better. The Book of Psalms, in the Bible...many of those were meant
to be quite poetic, but it just doesn't come across reading it in English.

Now...if anyone is willing to PM their email and bounce back and forth on some
emails, I'd be more than happy to try and work it out for some languages other
than English. I'd have a hard enough time running anything I wrote through a
translater, though, much less trying to make things sound poetic and rhyme, as
I just don't know other languages. (I took lots of Spanish through high school and
college, and got poor grades every semester. Just not my thing)

Goblin-king - you've got that right. A German-speaking demon head would be
truly horrific.

Re: The Demon Head - mini-encounter

PostPosted: June 13th, 2018, 7:29 am
by Big Bene
knightkrawler wrote:Nicht schlecht, Herr Specht... |_P

Danke, man tut was man kann |_P
Anderas wrote:Igitt das ist ja eklig :D |_P

Ich nehm das in dem Fall als Kompliment |_P
Der Ekelfaktor ist ja auch so vom Original übernommen, ich habe nur versucht, eine Übersetzung zu finden, die möglichst nahe dran bleibt, aber auf Deutsch noch "natürlich" klingt.

Torilen wrote:Goblin-king - you've got that right. A German-speaking demon head would be
truly horrific.

Well, uhm, I'm German and don't think I or my language are scary in any way.
I feel a very little bit offended. :|

And please don't forget: I find this whole idea absolutely hilaerous, I envision who to do the voice acting all the time, it gives me very living images (and sounds) in my head.