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The wilderness tileset

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby Sjeng » Monday November 28th, 2011 7:59am

these are great! good work! ;)
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby Maike05 » Saturday January 7th, 2012 12:16pm

Hi, I created a few new tiles to complete the set:


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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby ndsandman » Thursday January 12th, 2012 10:44pm

Google Earth ... I too agreed when I first saw the first picture is was from there. LOL

I really like the trees !! They look real ...

Wondering .. if the main area was card stock, could the trees rocks and etc... be printed on a transparancy paper?
thus where the tree was printed would be a tree and everywhere else would still be clear to see beneath?
Just my 2 cents worth..

These do look great !!
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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby davidnewaxe » Friday January 13th, 2012 5:10pm

this might sound rididculous compared to what you are attempting , however ... i too have created a setting outside of the dungeon context . in fact my heroes were given acces to the emperor's hunting lodge in a barony near to the seat of power . it is here that my heroes must defend the realm from marauding orcs , while attempting to learn vocations ( i.e. farming , hunting , weapon proficiency , potion making )
my boards until now have been hex grids , colored with marker , and attached to heavy board . more recently i have begun making walls out of matte board , crocheting the little trees and bushes , and paper mache for rock . elevation changes are incorporated into the wooden base(s). i would like to post some pics .
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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby Maike05 » Friday January 13th, 2012 6:39pm

davidnewaxe wrote: i would like to post some pics .

Please do !

ndsandman wrote:Wondering .. if the main area was card stock, could the trees rocks and etc... be printed on a transparancy paper?
thus where the tree was printed would be a tree and everywhere else would still be clear to see beneath?
Just my 2 cents worth..

Sorry, could you explain it better ? You'd like to only print the ground, and then several transparent paper to add a layer of rock, a layer of tress ?

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby ndsandman » Friday January 13th, 2012 10:45pm

Maike05 wrote:
davidnewaxe wrote: i would like to post some pics .

Please do !

ndsandman wrote:Wondering .. if the main area was card stock, could the trees rocks and etc... be printed on a transparancy paper?
thus where the tree was printed would be a tree and everywhere else would still be clear to see beneath?
Just my 2 cents worth..

Sorry, could you explain it better ? You'd like to only print the ground, and then several transparent paper to add a layer of rock, a layer of tress ?

Yes .. If you printed the gound, grass and roads on paper, ... and have all extra stuff trees and rocks on transparancy plastic sheets, a person could move trees
and rocks where they wanted them to be places, Also could cut down the extra pictures say print 8 to 10 trees on one transparancy paper and cut around them to have 8 or 10 little pieces. But now I am wondering how does the transparancy plastic small pieces not move.

If I could only find that site I kind of got the idea from. You downloaded with purchase a pdf file with so many tiles example #3)10x10 (5) 6x6 some 2 x6 or what ever size they were smalls ones also there, and you could add extra stuff to main tile prior to printing. Example you print (4) 5x5 rooms all the same dungeon tile. In the first tile you could add table and chair, 2nd tile bed and dresser, 3rd tile weapons room, 4th tile blood splatter and dead goblin, etc... thus you are not limited to the authors design.
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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby Maike05 » Sunday January 15th, 2012 6:48pm

ndsandman wrote:Yes .. If you printed the gound, grass and roads on paper, ... and have all extra stuff trees and rocks on transparancy plastic sheets, a person could move trees
and rocks where they wanted them to be places, Also could cut down the extra pictures say print 8 to 10 trees on one transparancy paper and cut around them to have 8 or 10 little pieces. But now I am wondering how does the transparancy plastic small pieces not move.

Or I could just provide you with the modulable version of the objects (tokens), I see there is demand, so I'll do it soon, I promise ;)

Meanwhile, I created a new tile : the watchtower
It's empty, it's meant to be filled with furniture and a token for stairs that I still have to make to reach the upper level of the watch tower.

What do you think ?

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby ndsandman » Sunday January 15th, 2012 11:54pm

Nice very, very nice !!! And yes token made of card stock would work too. A token made with card stock would have a little weight to keep it on the other tiles keeping them from sliding around. Wizard of the Coast sell tile sets, but carry are hefty price so I would love to make and print my own just never knew where to get and how to use a program to make something this awesome.

Don't forget the door LOL

I am very impressed. Keep us posted.

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby Maike05 » Monday January 16th, 2012 9:06am

ndsandman wrote:Don't forget the door LOL

You should use use the heroquest doors lol :p otherwise, you could simply dig a hole ! xD

ndsandman wrote:just never knew where to get and how to use a program to make something this awesome.

Basically, I'm using GIMP and a several websites:
google images

The rest is pure composing ;)

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Re: The wilderness tileset

Postby ndsandman » Monday January 16th, 2012 9:29pm

Maike05 wrote:
Basically, I'm using GIMP and a several websites:
google images

The rest is pure composing ;)

Thank You !

Wow that dundjinni software looks interesting and cgtextures had so many cool things to view. Oh yes I will be trying this out too. And if my projects turn out only half as good as yours I would be happy. Keeps , towers, Inn etc... this might be a fun project. I am currently downloading dundjinni. Just need to hone my creative thoughts from mind to software. Might even try to get my wife working on this too. Thanks again for the info ...

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