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Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Saturday April 9th, 2011 10:59am
by Maike05
Hey everyone, I created some cave tiles to vary your gameplay experience. I've haven't got them printed yet. It's 30mm scale.


Editable ODT :

Pdf ready to print :

Any critics, suggestions are welcome ! ;)

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Saturday April 9th, 2011 8:57pm
by gravaillon
great job but... where are the rooms???

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Sunday April 10th, 2011 7:25am
by Maike05
great job but... where are the rooms???

Hi gravaillon, they're in, look better.

I'm also looking forward to new ressources to enhance the overall quality of tiles. If you have any skeletton, crystal, stone, water splash, etc.... :)

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Sunday October 2nd, 2011 5:59pm
by Maike05
Hi folks, I opened a new blog where I put all my creations. There is an updated version of the cave tiles.

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Monday October 3rd, 2011 7:07am
by Sjeng
are you going to add quests for these tiles as well? ;)

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Monday October 3rd, 2011 10:10am
by Maike05
Hi Sjeng, no I just add tiles on this website so people can select what they like and print them. I realise that everybody wants sth different or will customize the quest because its not enough or too difficult. So I prefer to let it to others ;)

Anyway, I created some quests for my personal use with this set and a custom system. It's a recto-verso page with on the first page : the quest's description, reward, objectives and a blank map that says where you begin. Then on the verso, you'll find a table to generate the dungeon.


At the end, the dungeon will end up like this :

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Monday October 3rd, 2011 10:12am
by Maike05
I also created an other quest where you have to kick the ASS of an evil necromancer


The possibilities are great with this format of tile.

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Monday October 3rd, 2011 10:19am
by Sjeng
That looks pretty interesting there! :D
Only wish it was in English :P

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Tuesday November 29th, 2011 9:10am
by HeroQuestFrance
Il y a pas mal de fautes d'orhtographe et de frappe dans ton texte comme :
objectif principal et pas principale (féminin ? pourquoi ?)
remis "is" pas "it"
précède et pas "procède"
réseau sans "x" (c'est pas le pluriel)
objectif secondaire peut rester au singulier surtout qu'en plus il n'y en a pas

LETTRE P : ellles [...] peuvent être fouillées

J'adore :
-> le coup de space crusade avec la quête principale et éventuellement une ou plusieurs secondaires !
-> le système de tuiles et le plan pour l'agencement (idée de space crusade aussi avec ses plateaux modulables à l'infini)
Je n'aime pas :
-> le système de marquage des cases (les petites croix) qui défigurent (même si c'est léger) les tuiles.
Ne pourrais tu pas faire des cases dessinées au lieu du genre caverne imposé par les tuiles d'advanced heroquest et de son extension ??
En tout cas bravo pour tout ce boulot !
Ca fait plaisir qu'il existe tout plein de fans acharnés.

Re: Cave tiles !!

PostPosted: Wednesday November 30th, 2011 4:03pm
by Daedalus
They look so great that I'm tempted to print a set. I wonder how much of each is most useful for an economical start? A nice effect would be to make rubble tiles that match your texture, rather than uses the HeroQuest rubble tiles. While you're at it, make some stalactites, boulders, plus outcroppings that could extend off your walls. Terraces and pools would also be cool. And don't forget mushrooms. Cavernous pit traps, secret doors, chasms, bridges- the list goes on.... :D

These could also be used for some old-school D&D dungeon-crawling if you included some 45 degree diagonal wall sections. Finally, consider making an alternate downloadable set that uses white instead of black for the outer-void areas. Folks using home printers could conserve black ink, with an option to render them later with black marker.