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Another way to play HeroQuest Solo (Shadow Tiles)

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Re: Another way to play HeroQuest Solo (Shadow Tiles)

Postby cornixt » Monday April 11th, 2022 2:12pm

I like it, although it does mean producing a number of tokens that you hope look similar enough on the back that you won't be able to tell what is on the front.

I'm not sure I fully understand how you are suggesting to use them. In one part you say to use an existing quest as a template, and another that the tiles should be split by quadrant as if you are using the whole board. I also don't really see the point of moving the shadow tiles around if you are playing solo, which seems to be the main purpose - I'd feel a bit weird making things easier or more difficult for myself in the middle of the game.

You could probably expand on it a little to have a "final boss" or objective token that you can randomise among the last few rooms so that the end of the quest isn't as clear as just reaching the staircase.

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Re: Another way to play HeroQuest Solo (Shadow Tiles)

Postby gaeryth » Monday April 11th, 2022 2:48pm

kurgan, those are the games I was talking about.

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Re: Another way to play HeroQuest Solo (Shadow Tiles)

Postby Kurgan » Friday May 20th, 2022 7:37pm

Thanks for the feedback everyone. As for the quadrant thing, yes that sounds like I'm using the whole board, but I'm actually using the layout of an existing quest. Many quests use all four quadrants in some way but not all do. In those cases I'd still try to divide the tiles up evenly based on the number of rooms available.

It's not a perfect system. As for the "objective" I haven't tried that yet, so far it's just random pieces of furniture, objects for treasure or monsters. Without rolling to see if the tile "stays put" or "moves toward the Heroes" it would have a very predictable result, I agree. 50% chance any time will stay in the room that round or move towards the heroes that round.

I'm using a system inspired by how it works in Space Crusade. Granted, the games aren't exactly the same so it doesn't translate perfectly.

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Re: Another way to play HeroQuest Solo (Shadow Tiles)

Postby Kurgan » Friday September 30th, 2022 12:07pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWWdbM_2ka4 (2nd attempt video). I've tweaked it since then but haven't played it, since we have had so many people willing to play live these past several weekend streams (not complaining).

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