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Fan Tile Links

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday January 30th, 2018 8:21am

sorcerersapprentice wrote:Sensational work Valar!

Thanks ! ;)
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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday January 30th, 2018 6:24pm

And here is a new temple of Chaos, in fact a sacrificial chamber.

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Wednesday January 31st, 2018 1:43pm

Here is new small room with a same design as one of the original room from Advanced Heroquest.

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Thursday February 1st, 2018 3:41am

Hi all !

Here is a "remake" of an old tiles from the Dungeon Floor Plans of Games Workshop. This tile was used later in the Advanced Heroquest expansion "Terror in the Dark" and in "Mighty Warriors", another board fantasy game. I share here the old and the new version of this tile. Hope you like it !


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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Saturday February 3rd, 2018 4:50am

Hi !

Here is a new version of the Dungeon Lair, with better torch effects

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Pancho » Monday February 5th, 2018 8:06am

This thread is an incredible resource. Thanks so much for posting.

I'm planning to print a few of these to spice up the central rooms for the Wizards of Morcar (I'll convert them to 6x5), as well as add the 2x3 prison cell ones to the Rescue of Sir Ragnar and other incarceration-type Quests .
I also needed a better version of the Dragon Strike tile, a good generic hexagon/octogon tile, some alternative chairs/tables, and a large tile for a Dragons lair, so this thread has fulfilled a lot of wants all at once.

Thanks again!
Last edited by Pancho on Tuesday February 6th, 2018 7:09am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Monday February 5th, 2018 2:20pm

Pancho wrote:This thread is an incredible resource. Thanks so much for posting.

I'm planning to print a few of these to spice up the central rooms for the Wizards of Morcar (I'll convert them to 6x5), as well as add the 2x3 prison cell ones to the Rescue of Sir Ragnar and other incarceration-type Quests .
I also needed a better version of the Dragon Strike tile, a good generic hexagon tile, some alternative chairs/tables, and a large tile for a Dragons lair, so this thread has fulfilled a lot of wants all at once.

Thanks again!

Here, if you need more, download all the 4 PDF booklet here

http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/t227-Por ... Herses.htm

You'll find doors, dungeon tiles and dungeon dressing. ;)
Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Pancho » Tuesday February 6th, 2018 7:23am

I have printed off and used quite a few of your tiles before from various threads at the Inn, but its great to see them all formatted in special packs like this. I'll definitely be printing off some more this afternoon. I love the sleeping Vampire in his coffin!

Out of interest, who are the characters that you have tokens for? Torallion, Imperius, Skargell etc?

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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday February 6th, 2018 1:04pm

Pancho wrote:Wow.
I have printed off and used quite a few of your tiles before from various threads at the Inn, but its great to see them all formatted in special packs like this. I'll definitely be printing off some more this afternoon. I love the sleeping Vampire in his coffin!

Out of interest, who are the characters that you have tokens for? Torallion, Imperius, Skargell etc?

Well, those characters appears only in some pics along rule books of Advanced Heroquest and Terror in the Dark. But metal Citadel Models are indeed existing. Here are the pics :





Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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Re: Fan Tile Links

Postby Valnar Nightrunner » Tuesday February 6th, 2018 1:10pm

Pancho wrote:Wow.
I have printed off and used quite a few of your tiles before from various threads at the Inn, but its great to see them all formatted in special packs like this. I'll definitely be printing off some more this afternoon. I love the sleeping Vampire in his coffin!

Out of interest, who are the characters that you have tokens for? Torallion, Imperius, Skargell etc?

Oups, sorry, you are talking about ALL the characters, except the four from Heroquest ?

Well, Torallion, Magnus, Heinrich and Sven are the main Heroes from Advanced Heroquest. Skargell, Imperius, Karl and Galdir the Wardancer are the Characters I was talking about.
Maître Haut Elfe sur un arbre perché, tenait dans son bec l'Enclume des nains.... (Ca sent la fracture de Crâne) http://ahqnewgen.clicforum.com/index.php
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