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Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Saturday October 18th, 2014 3:09pm
by IvenBach
I backed your kickstarter. For the Corruption tiles and water are they only a few extra tiles or do they consist of an entire new dungeon?

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 10:10pm
by GlennM
The corruption tiles are basically the same tiles as the main set with a special overlay, the water tiles are new. They are basically a few extra tiles though.

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Monday October 27th, 2014 10:44pm
by IvenBach
Where did you get that dragon from? That pose screams of Dragon Warrior...

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Saturday November 1st, 2014 1:52pm
by GlennM
It's a Dragon Warrior trading figure I got off of eBay. I also have the cyclops but it needs painted. The Cyclops was a clear keychain piece.

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Sunday November 2nd, 2014 1:50am
by IvenBach
The minis that you used to display your tiles, did you do the painting? If so nice work and very neatly painted! Do you have plans on trying another kickstarter after this one? I saw you tried one previous but didn't get it funded. This one has gone way above your initial funding level.

For your backing where did you pick it up from? How well has it held up, or has there been little use with it so far? I send you message through Kickstarter as well.

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Monday November 3rd, 2014 12:29pm
by GlennM
Yeah, I paint all my own minis. And thanks, I usually go for clean and fairly basic, though I do usually do lots of work on the eyes with the chibi figures. I'll be relaunching Combat Armor Mecha next year. The funds from this project are going to help fund that one. I bought the foamboard from Hobby Lobby, So far it has all held up pretty well. I haven't gotten a ton of games on them, but even if it does get damaged it's easy enough to replace a piece.
I double checked your stuff Iven, didn't find any thing. I sent you a message, but if you get double charged, let me know, I'll just get you refunded for the difference.

Re: Dark Castle Tileset by AdventureCraft

PostPosted: Sunday November 23rd, 2014 1:40pm
by GlennM ... ts/1061693

For those who wanted to back, but did not get in on the kickstarter.