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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Anderas wrote:If any of you find someone who sells a resin without toxins, I'd like to know: It's possible that I'd switch immediately to the new one.
Malcadon wrote:...With some of them — namely the fan-sculpted Mage of the Mirror figures — I had to replace the HQ base with a blank base on Blender, as their bases (in contrast to the actual figures) looked rough and ugly. Blender is not easy to work with and unintuitive as hell, but it the best in the non-commercial market (by that, I mean free). On Thingiverse, someone modified pieces of the base models to make crazy and inventive custom HQ figures. Namely, the guy that made a winged Chaos Warlock (using the gargoyle wings), a two-headed Goblin, and a goblin archer riding piggy-back on a Goblin with hand weapon. All the years of seeing other people's cool customs, now I can print (and alter) them at my own leisure!...
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