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Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Friday May 3rd, 2019 5:31pm
by arch8ngel
Kurgan wrote:I hated the way the official Yetis looked honestly, I much prefer the Bones variety, but then I didn't grow up with that quest pack (no nostalgia factor), and realize they're not "accurate."

I didn't grow up with the EQP or BQP, and didn't get them until I traded for them on Bartertown maybe 15 years ago.

But some of the minis from both of those are a pretty big disappointment compared to the original set.
The mercs, ogres, warbears, and frozen horror are decent -- pretty much everything else is fairly low-detail compared to how "crisp" the main molds were, along with the scaling being off (the female heroes are much too small, for instance)

Long way to say -- I think most people would be better served with substitute miniatures for both of those quest packs!

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Saturday May 4th, 2019 1:10am
by Kurgan
So before I went all out with Bones, I tried out those fantasy tube packs and actually found some figures I liked... specifically, the "Dragon" from here. As cool as the dragons in most miniature lines look, they're way too huge to be something the heroes could credibly take on, or the smaller dragons lack detail and look like baby lizards. ... pons&psc=1

And this set for the giant spiders (pictures on the page don't do them justice, they look creepy and fairly awesome up close): ... way&sr=8-9

The gray color is just about perfect, I don't even have to paint them! Of course the material used is a lot more flexible and rubbery than your standard Reaper polymer. A lot of the figures had to be boiled and some of them still didn't stay in shape (but the Dragons and Spiders were fine).

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Saturday May 4th, 2019 4:45pm
by arch8ngel
Those are a great idea for letting younger kids have their own minis. I like it.

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:36pm
by Kurgan
My new heroes:

(male Cleric, Ranger, Paladin, Mystic, female Paladin, female Ranger, Cleric)

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:39pm
by Kurgan
The Wizards of Morcar:

(Necromancer, High Mage, Storm Master, Orc Shaman)

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:43pm
by Kurgan
These are the fantasy creatures minis from the tube, un-retouched Giant Spiders:

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:46pm
by Kurgan
More Giant Spider shots....

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:47pm
by Kurgan
Giant Spiders group minis... (of course, these are NOT from Reaper)

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Tuesday May 28th, 2019 8:52pm
by Kurgan
The Dragon! I need more pics for scale, I know...

Re: Reaper Quest: Dark Heaven Adventures in a World of Bones

PostPosted: Saturday February 22nd, 2020 4:01pm
by Kurgan
A quick comment on the mercenary (men-at-arms) figures. Reaper didn't have a two-handed swordsman or halberdier (in plastic) that I liked. BattleMasters did have a bowman that looks very close to what you'd imagine one of these mercs with a bow would appear as, but there you go. I modified the cards to match, though they have the same abilities. I even thought about using HeroForge to create a custom "merc" figure, but it would end up costing slightly MORE than just finding an antique original mini from ebay.