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My HQ painted collection

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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday September 24th, 2016 6:17am

Aaaaah yessssss.

Still too GW to my liking, modelwise, but I want them for the concept of birdish beastmen.
I'd also paint them more birdish when I get my hands on them (thinking about a crowish/ravenish paintscheme), but this is, as a paintjob, of course amazing. |_P
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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby shanedoink » Saturday September 24th, 2016 9:50am


I love your skill and I am wondering about some of the 3D furniture pieces you have made. I would love to add a few of those to my HQ game so I can paint them as well. Would you consider crafting a fireplace, throne and a couple of tables? I would be more than happy to pay for the work. Please message me.
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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby Sjeng » Saturday September 24th, 2016 12:07pm

There's just one word I can think of for these models: perfection.
I'm blown away.
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby RemyT » Friday October 7th, 2016 3:08am

Thank you!
I've got two more :


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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby Anderas » Monday October 10th, 2016 12:17pm

I love the shades of the skin. May i ask which colors you used for the skin?

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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby RemyT » Wednesday October 12th, 2016 8:12am

I use a basecoat of ratskin flesh. Then a wash of reikland fleshshade. First highlight with bestigor flesh (80% of the flesh), then ungor flesh and flayed one flesh.

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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby Daedalus » Sunday April 23rd, 2017 2:45pm

RemyT wrote:Helo!
So as you seemed intersted by my painting, I'm putting here my work on the new warhammer quest. I'm currently working on the painting of the tzaangors and the building of the 3D tomb and treasure chest....

:shock: [standard, over-the-top Remy pictures] :shock:

...I hope you what you see will suit you. I've got others game painted too if you want, no problem, just ask.

Cheers !

Wonderful blog. Now that we've seen Silver Tower, how about a wowing us again with the old-school look and posting figures from the original Warhammer Quest?

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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby TMU » Saturday July 22nd, 2017 5:37am

Amazing. Simply amazing. I know for sure I will never get there where you are right now, but hopefully will gain some of the talent you have :) Great work!
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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby benvoliothefirst » Wednesday July 26th, 2017 9:23pm

Remy, thanks for taking time to share your work with us! Astounding!
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Re: My HQ painted collection

Postby Pancho » Friday December 22nd, 2017 6:23am

Incredible level of detail on your mini's. You painted veins on your Zombies! And the expression on your Barbarian's face - I love it.

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