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What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby drathe » Tuesday September 16th, 2008 1:28am

I'm very near to completing all the official HeroQuest resources in English (plus a few extra North American style Treasure cards that were only released in the European Version). I should be done by the end of the week, then it's on to a whole list of other things (Non-English editions, remakes of Dewayne Agin's work, other minor page additions and tweaks). These things I'm going to take my time on and trickle out over time. I know the Website already has a lot of content, and I would like to see more Fan created Quests, Tiles, Cards etc. Aside from those things I would like to ask...

What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

I'm hoping to hear from the community about things they would like to have available, and I'll see what I can do to provide them. I have no idea what everyone else would like to see added to their games, so if you don't let me know, all I can do is keep providing the things I myself would like to have. So throw a few ideas my way. Who knows? It might just be what everyone is waiting for!

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby Crusader » Monday September 28th, 2009 3:50pm

I've downloaded loads of character cards over the last few months from various foreign sites and have made up my own cards after doing the translation. Many of them have special abilities etc and they make a great change from using the usual four heroes. Finding a matching model on Ebay is also fun. Obviously the downloads are someone else's work so I've only used my cards in my own games but I would love to see new characters and character cards on the site.
A guy called Andy Sekela (whatever happened to him?) did some great work a few years ago creating new heroes, monsters and dungeon floortiles although as the artwork was royalty free it wasn't best quality. What do you think?

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby drathe » Monday September 28th, 2009 9:50pm

Sounds like a great idea. There are future plans on the table to have an expanded area for new Hero types. Unfortunately, it's impossible to fill a section without content. I do have a Vampire laying in wait for such a page that a kind gent sent over a year and a half ago (where does the time go?), but I was hoping to have more than just one before I add the section. Perhaps it would be more of a "if you build it, they will come" scenario. But everyone is free to submit their fan stuff to Ye Olde Inn. Things don't go up instantly of course. Especially when I'm behind on most everything I've been meaning to do. In fact, there is a planned overhaul of the Website. Nothing too drastic, just plans to combine sections to make it easier for people to find things to either expand their games, or aid in the creative process of making your own quests, cards etc. We have a bunch of stuff already for that, but the layout needs improvement.

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby squirrel_nutcase » Tuesday September 29th, 2009 5:49am

drathe you are doing an incredible job with this website and forum, its really great.

Thank you ! I found all the cards I wanted and its great

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby Crusader » Saturday October 3rd, 2009 6:08am

That's great that you are considering a section for new heroes. Perhaps in time you could include a new weapons section too. As with the heroes, I've downloaded, translated, and made new weapons cards (as I'm in the UK).
I'm no artist and out of respect for the work of others, I'll send you a couple of cards I've made using photos of models I've got.
Keep up the great work.

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby drathe » Monday October 5th, 2009 5:39pm

Got them, thanks! I even made some North American versions based off yours to compliment them when they go online.

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby arje06 » Tuesday May 18th, 2010 2:41am

Crusader wrote:That's great that you are considering a section for new heroes. Perhaps in time you could include a new weapons section too. As with the heroes, I've downloaded, translated, and made new weapons cards (as I'm in the UK).
I'm no artist and out of respect for the work of others, I'll send you a couple of cards I've made using photos of models I've got.
Keep up the great work.

I agree with you Crusader. I believe it is really a great idea. Including new sets of weapons will give players chances to defeat their opponents. We will wait for your upgradations.
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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby drathe » Wednesday May 19th, 2010 9:11am

Make some up and send them on over! Until then, there are some Weapon Cards in Dutch for those in the Nederlands and some Weapon Images for people to use in making their own weapons.

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby kboleen » Tuesday July 6th, 2010 8:56pm

I love quests. You could never have enough quests.

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Re: What would you like to see at Ye Olde Inn?

Postby Phoenix » Tuesday July 6th, 2010 10:29pm

Ironically enough, we are working on that very thing...even as I type!

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