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The Black Plague

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The Black Plague

Postby clmckay » Friday March 28th, 2014 11:30pm


Was looking over The Zblack Plague to give a go at this weekend. I'm wondering though...is it complete. It has three quests but seems like it's not finished. For example...there's no black orcs that I could see.

Just curious if it wasn't finished, if I missed something, or if maybe it's an incomplete version that's posted.


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Re: The Black Plague

Postby drathe » Sunday March 30th, 2014 7:04pm

clmckay wrote:Hi,

Was looking over The Zblack Plague to give a go at this weekend. I'm wondering though...is it complete. It has three quests but seems like it's not finished. For example...there's no black orcs that I could see.

Just curious if it wasn't finished, if I missed something, or if maybe it's an incomplete version that's posted.


It looks like there's been a huge error in the Black Plague Classic. All Orcs should be Black Orcs.

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Re: The Black Plague

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Tuesday November 20th, 2018 3:58pm

Beyond all Orcs being Black Orcs, the story itself seems to go nowhere and ends only 3 Quests in. Does anyone have a more complete version, or was one created?

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