Ampersands Quest

well its been a while since i've really posted much here.
but i used to back in the day.
well ive been off playing various other different dungeon crawlers, Advanced Heroquest, Descent 2nd Edition, Warhammer Quest Silver tower, Warhammer Quest shadows over Hammerhal, and good old Heroquest.
But i always seemingly had 1 missing link in my evolutionary collection of dungeon crawlers in 1995's Warhammer Quest, seemingly not wanting to spend the hundreds of pounds people are asking for a copy of this, the foolhardy creator side of me took over
"I Know I'll make it from scratch"
And i never looked back, only kitted out with a few PDF rulebooks and some scanned images i set forth!
now whilst this project has been underway for about a year now, it also got stalled quite considerably due to not having too much hobby time. but i came back at it with a bang in the last 2 months
I have never played 1995 WHQ ever, so thats where the fool hardy side comes from, but it seems to contain many of the elements i love in a good old crawler. and ive made it this far so i might as well continue.
so without further ado, here is a compounded list of what i needed to do to at very least get myself in shape for the base game
having already obtained PDF version recreations of these (not sure who done them but massive credit to them)
32 Page Rule book - DONE
16 page Adventure book - DONE
192 page roleplay book - DONE
How to play sheet - DONE

Playing Cards
Being quite handy with photoshop as well as a brush i set about first creating some brand new card templates and backs. this is MY warhammer quest and i can do what i like with it, whilst i could of gone for a whole new look and vibe i decided i wanted to keep some elements of the old aesthetic in place

19 event cards - DONE

23 Dungeon cards - DONE

30 Treasure cards - DONE

15 Spell cards - DONE - awaiting print

4 Warrior cards - not yet created.Going to use character sheets
4 Battle level Cards - not going to bother its all in the booklets
4 Equipment cards- not going to bother. can utilise character sheets
Hero Tokens - colour coded to match dice i did this so i do not need to have individual tokens per warrior and with them matching the players dice this makes it easily identifiable = DONE awaiting print

i had managed to snag some high res images of the original cards and laid them out onto x2 A0 poster sized images ready for printing, the toughest part here was finding a type of card more reminiscent of that used in more common board games. the modulat nature of the game means they need to be pretty sturdy. and various past ventures left me with warped cards or heavy cards that were just too much to handle. I ended up settling on 2mm thick Greyboard i nabbed of Amazon
23 floorplans
Corridor Corner
Corridor Passageway A x4
Corridor Passageway B x3
Corridor T-Junction x3
Corridor Stairway
Dungeon Room - Circle of Power
Dungeon Room - Dungeon Cell
Dungeon Room - Guard Room
Dungeon Room - Monsters Lair
Dungeon Room - Torture Chamber
Dungeon Room - Well of Doom
Objective Room - Fighting Pit
Objective Room - Firechasm
Objective Room - Fountain of Light
Objective Room - Idol Chamber
Objective Room - Tomb Chamber

48 Markers and counters
These were all added to the same A0 posters as the floor tiles to maximise my costs and also put onto the same greyboard.
Miniatures (91)
The Juicy bit!
I already own a shed load of mini's and was one of the many reasons why i decided against picking up a copy on ebay..i simply can't see myself using many of the older mini's considering i have a lot of options already.
4 warrior models - classic Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, Wizard combo. have lots to choose from but will go with these guys to start me off before i decide to kitbash anything more fitting. i just need to paint up the bases

6 Orc Warriors - Proxy - i managed to nab a ruck load of these off ebay. not perfect now they are OOP over and GW i wanted to retain some aspect of familiarity, but i will add my own sense of character to them
6 Orc Archers - Proxy - older orc arrer boys ready to be painted
6 Goblin Spearmen - DONE

6 Goblin Archers - goblin stikkas awaiting painting
12 skaven - Proxy - DONE

3 Minotaurs - Proxy - I resculpted an old GW minotaur many moons ago which i would like to cast up and utilise for these as they arent too big but still menacing enough.
12 Giant Spiders - DONE

12 Giant Bats - Proxy - GW Bat swarm awaiting painting
12 Giant Rats - done

12 Snotlings - done

10 Dungeon Doorways - i have a load of zealot door i created not so long back which will fit perfectly DONE

with all of the components i have currently created, you can already see i am well on my way, only really needing to sort out a few miniatures here and there...and some treasure cards..dare i try to play with unpainted mini's???
maybe. but i wont be posted such sacrilege here, i'll have to paint them up
but i was able to run a couple of mock dungeon layouts as a trial run
1 glaring fault stood out here that maybe this picture might give away (please ignore all of the carboard dust everywhere)

well thats my basis.
i'm currently working on a solution to fix said fault (20 internets to whoever points it out first)
sculpting a spider prototype.
and have to finish bases on the main 4 warriors, snotlings and rats.
as well as having the Goblin archers and bats to paint up.
and many more other mini's that i hope to post here, hopefully you guys can give me a little encouragement with this huge task and maybe help me out here and there with those that have the game regarding rulings, and hopefully in return this will help others or inspire to do similar.
i have also as part of my money saving swish with all of these printed cards and floorplans created the cards and floorplans from every expansion and White Dwarf article as well as many other fan made items too that i will share at a later date.
well heres to questing. and will be posting up all of my progress and sharing with you

but i used to back in the day.
well ive been off playing various other different dungeon crawlers, Advanced Heroquest, Descent 2nd Edition, Warhammer Quest Silver tower, Warhammer Quest shadows over Hammerhal, and good old Heroquest.
But i always seemingly had 1 missing link in my evolutionary collection of dungeon crawlers in 1995's Warhammer Quest, seemingly not wanting to spend the hundreds of pounds people are asking for a copy of this, the foolhardy creator side of me took over
"I Know I'll make it from scratch"
And i never looked back, only kitted out with a few PDF rulebooks and some scanned images i set forth!
now whilst this project has been underway for about a year now, it also got stalled quite considerably due to not having too much hobby time. but i came back at it with a bang in the last 2 months
I have never played 1995 WHQ ever, so thats where the fool hardy side comes from, but it seems to contain many of the elements i love in a good old crawler. and ive made it this far so i might as well continue.
so without further ado, here is a compounded list of what i needed to do to at very least get myself in shape for the base game
having already obtained PDF version recreations of these (not sure who done them but massive credit to them)
32 Page Rule book - DONE
16 page Adventure book - DONE
192 page roleplay book - DONE
How to play sheet - DONE
Playing Cards
Being quite handy with photoshop as well as a brush i set about first creating some brand new card templates and backs. this is MY warhammer quest and i can do what i like with it, whilst i could of gone for a whole new look and vibe i decided i wanted to keep some elements of the old aesthetic in place

19 event cards - DONE

23 Dungeon cards - DONE

30 Treasure cards - DONE
15 Spell cards - DONE - awaiting print

4 Warrior cards - not yet created.Going to use character sheets
4 Battle level Cards - not going to bother its all in the booklets
4 Equipment cards- not going to bother. can utilise character sheets
Hero Tokens - colour coded to match dice i did this so i do not need to have individual tokens per warrior and with them matching the players dice this makes it easily identifiable = DONE awaiting print
i had managed to snag some high res images of the original cards and laid them out onto x2 A0 poster sized images ready for printing, the toughest part here was finding a type of card more reminiscent of that used in more common board games. the modulat nature of the game means they need to be pretty sturdy. and various past ventures left me with warped cards or heavy cards that were just too much to handle. I ended up settling on 2mm thick Greyboard i nabbed of Amazon
23 floorplans
Corridor Corner
Corridor Passageway A x4
Corridor Passageway B x3
Corridor T-Junction x3
Corridor Stairway
Dungeon Room - Circle of Power
Dungeon Room - Dungeon Cell
Dungeon Room - Guard Room
Dungeon Room - Monsters Lair
Dungeon Room - Torture Chamber
Dungeon Room - Well of Doom
Objective Room - Fighting Pit
Objective Room - Firechasm
Objective Room - Fountain of Light
Objective Room - Idol Chamber
Objective Room - Tomb Chamber

48 Markers and counters
These were all added to the same A0 posters as the floor tiles to maximise my costs and also put onto the same greyboard.
Miniatures (91)
The Juicy bit!
I already own a shed load of mini's and was one of the many reasons why i decided against picking up a copy on ebay..i simply can't see myself using many of the older mini's considering i have a lot of options already.
4 warrior models - classic Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, Wizard combo. have lots to choose from but will go with these guys to start me off before i decide to kitbash anything more fitting. i just need to paint up the bases

6 Orc Warriors - Proxy - i managed to nab a ruck load of these off ebay. not perfect now they are OOP over and GW i wanted to retain some aspect of familiarity, but i will add my own sense of character to them
6 Orc Archers - Proxy - older orc arrer boys ready to be painted
6 Goblin Spearmen - DONE

6 Goblin Archers - goblin stikkas awaiting painting
12 skaven - Proxy - DONE

3 Minotaurs - Proxy - I resculpted an old GW minotaur many moons ago which i would like to cast up and utilise for these as they arent too big but still menacing enough.
12 Giant Spiders - DONE

12 Giant Bats - Proxy - GW Bat swarm awaiting painting
12 Giant Rats - done
12 Snotlings - done
10 Dungeon Doorways - i have a load of zealot door i created not so long back which will fit perfectly DONE

with all of the components i have currently created, you can already see i am well on my way, only really needing to sort out a few miniatures here and there...and some treasure cards..dare i try to play with unpainted mini's???

maybe. but i wont be posted such sacrilege here, i'll have to paint them up
but i was able to run a couple of mock dungeon layouts as a trial run
1 glaring fault stood out here that maybe this picture might give away (please ignore all of the carboard dust everywhere)

well thats my basis.
i'm currently working on a solution to fix said fault (20 internets to whoever points it out first)
sculpting a spider prototype.
and have to finish bases on the main 4 warriors, snotlings and rats.
as well as having the Goblin archers and bats to paint up.
and many more other mini's that i hope to post here, hopefully you guys can give me a little encouragement with this huge task and maybe help me out here and there with those that have the game regarding rulings, and hopefully in return this will help others or inspire to do similar.
i have also as part of my money saving swish with all of these printed cards and floorplans created the cards and floorplans from every expansion and White Dwarf article as well as many other fan made items too that i will share at a later date.
well heres to questing. and will be posting up all of my progress and sharing with you