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Dragon Strike Books

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Dragon Strike Books

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Monday November 12th, 2012 6:06pm

The more I look, the more I realize that gaming companies totally ripped off Heroquest.

Has anyone read these? I'm curious if they have any more illustrations or quests. I might have to buy it before I finish my quests.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Books

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Monday November 12th, 2012 8:46pm

I guess the same author also wrote The Warrior's Tale, and two books with Dragon Strike art, and a choose your own adventure type feel called Forest of Darkness, and Dungeon of Fear.

Edit: Also, there's a freaking Marvel comic, and Dragon Magazine also printed a quest.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

Created a Hot Topic. Destroyed a Zombie!
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Nephew of Mentor

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