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Dragon Strike Quest pack

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Daedalus » Thursday September 18th, 2014 6:45pm

JasonMCM wrote:My ideas on the artifacts you mentioned.

Echo Blade: This magic broadsword allows you to roll 3 combat dice when attacking. If you do not roll enough skulls to deal at least 1 BP of damage to the defender roll 2 additional combat dice, and add them to your original attack roll. No Wizard

I like this. It works like Orc's Bane when combined with the Multiple Attacks rule from the beginning of the BQP. These rules already exist.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power:
I'd treat this artifact like a Potion of Strength, "...enabling you to roll 2 extra combat dice the next time you attack." I'd also limit this use to once per Quest to reduce power creep and put it on par with lucky treasure draws. Dragon Strike's Potion of Giant Strength grants an extra hit point of damage the same as the gauntlets, so HQ's Potion of Strength is an obvious conversion equivalent. One hit point of damage = 2 combat dice in HQ.

Ring of Spell Turning:
I say leave it as a one-use artifact. Like you said, Dragon Strike awards way more artifacts than Hero Quest. They should be made expendable when possible, otherwise the Heroes will become unstoppable too quickly to enjoy other Quests. Let it be removed after it serves it's purpose. You could even have it be used up if a spell is cast against the super Orc.

Wondrous Plate Mail:
I'm for differentiating it from Borin's Armor. It is a little better protection than plate mail, so 3 extra combat dice in defense and it may be combined with a helmet. Only 1 red die for movement. If 3 DD is too much, you could go with 2 extra DD and a reroll of 2 DD if no white shields are rolled in defense.

As for dice, my vote is stay away from polyhedral. Use HQ combat dice equivalents if possible combined with the red dice.

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: !

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Friday September 19th, 2014 9:32am

Daedalus wrote:
Nephew of Mentor wrote:...I still need to figure out a few icons, specifically a: camp fire icon, horse drawn cart icon, a puddle marker, a random trap icon, a tunnel icon. The cart, camp fire, and tunnel icons are the most important ones. There are a few quests that use them extensively.

There are a few other issues. For example, I need to choose whether to mark start points with "X" icons or arrow icons. When not using the traditional stairway or the steel and wooden doors from the later sets, what are some of the other ways HQ quests mark a starting point?

Maybe the Ye Olde Inn icon pack can help. It contains a mine cart that is better than nothing. Also, the Nicodemus icon pack has a campfire and pools, but they are part of larger tiles.

As for alternate starting points, Quest 6 of RotWL started the Elf and Barbarian chained up at two spaces marked "X." AtOH simply started the Heroes on an outdoor tile connected to two doors. Quest 2 of the BQP used in and out arrows just before the door entrance on the ice cave tile.

I originally laid out the maps with X's marking the starting places. I switched that to arrows. Let me know what you think about that decision.

I should be able to get back to quest creation tonight and this weekend. I like how smooth this is coming together so far.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Friday September 19th, 2014 11:56pm

I fixed the errors pointed out to me and also rearranged some furniture(I realized the castle isn't always the same castle even though the city is always the same city). I will upload photos tomorrow, as well as a buttload of questions. But for appetizers, what do you think of my decision to change DS gargoyles to imps? I initially also changed the giant to a golem, though I am rethinking that. Still, compared to the ATOH ogres, I think the giant might not measure up both in stats and stature. He really isn't all that big, so I don't know.

I was also thinking of removing the ability to search for treasure in an outside setting, just to simplify borders.

Tomorrow I will bombard everyone with tons more questions, be prepared, haha.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday September 20th, 2014 3:48am

The giant figure and its icon both look like a golem, so go ahead. Neat idea.
Also, I'm following this and finding it very interesting. Wanna see the end result. just wanted to let you know that sometimes you don't get many posts, but there's still interest out there.
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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby StratosVX » Saturday September 20th, 2014 11:42am

Nephew of Mentor wrote:I was also thinking of removing the ability to search for treasure in an outside setting, just to simplify borders.

Good idea. In Dewayne Agin's, he has text in there that simply says "you are outside, there is no treasure." When you think about it, it would take FOREVER to scour through brush and long grass anyway.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Saturday September 20th, 2014 5:22pm

Oh, cool. Anyhow, I have lots of updates. Feel free to give me commentary. Here goes:







Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Saturday September 20th, 2014 5:27pm

Note that there is at least one quest with blank spots, particularly The King's Escort. I am thinking about how to distribute the many magic items from DS. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to share. I will list all the DS items some time later.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Daedalus » Sunday September 21st, 2014 9:21pm

Nephew of Mentor wrote:I originally laid out the maps with X's marking the starting places. I switched that to arrows. Let me know what you think about that decision.

I'd say arrows are the correct choice if entering from off the board. Use X's if you start any Heroes within the board.

Nephew of Mentor wrote:After looking over Quest 1, I put the finishing touches on it. I removed some events from the notes (space is limited). Let me know any errors you find or recommendations you might have. I know the above might suggest otherwise, but I appreciate feedback, haha.


The original adventure prohibited the Wizard because the good wizard figure, card, and spells were used to represent Griz. The Hero Quest Wizard is still available and shouldn't be underestimated, so I'd say give him a shot. If he dies, it's just an intro that may then be left unfinished by him. I worked up this alternate header and notes (edits in blue):

    QUEST 1: Timer 10 turns, 1 Hero (not DS Wizard), Easy
    Special Delivery

    Lord Narran has bad news....It protects Griz--...
    Tell the players that several townspeople don't appear on the board but may answer questions. Also, the five buildings with fire markers may not be entered. The dragon attacks Griz unless an attack can also hit the Hero.

    Choose room J (Warehouse), K (Smithy), or L (Grenarde's Market) as    
    Griz's location. When found, place the good Wizard and a Manscorpion
    guard on the board. Griz is an ally to be played by the Hero. The Hero
    player may use the DS Wizard Card and spells (randomly chosen by you.)

    A. Fortune Teller "I've been expecting you," she says. "Here's your
        fortune: Water holds the secret that can put out the flame." If
        question, she reveals Griz's location.

    B. Wild Horse Outfitters An old woman with a crossbow sits inside. If
        questioned about Griz, she says, "Last time I saw him, he was
        headed to Grenarde's Market." (Point to L on the board.)

    C. Guard Posts A gruff voice bellows from within, "Who goes there?" If
        questioned about Griz, the voice says, "I think he's in the
--------------------------------------------------------------------new column--------------------------------------------------------------

        Warehouse." (Point to J on the board.)

    D. Merchant Guild A woman is busy working. She angrily says, "I locked
        that door because I don't want any visitors!" If questioned, she says,
        "What do I look like, the forturne-teller? Try her." (Point to A.)

    E. Tennar's Exotic Wares Inside are three rough men. If questioned,
    says, "For a treasure we'll tell you where the old man is." If one
        is discarded, he lies, "The Wizard is at the Armory."
    (Point to I.)

    F. A Potion of Fire Resistance is hidden in the fountain.

    G. This chest contains an Elven Cloak.

    H. This chest contains 140 gold coins.
:orc: Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

This alternate runs 2 lines and a space longer, but I think you can squeeze it in if you skip the space just below the Parchment text and eliminate the spaces above and below the wandering monster line. I think the extra information from the DS adventure is needed to clarify the playing of this Quest. I have some questions:

In area K, there appears to be a forge tile from KK. Is this correct? If so, you should be sure to include the tile as part of the conversion pack with a brief description.

Why two weapons racks? Most people own just one base set. I'd drop the weapons rack from the Smithy. The forge tile is enough to fill the room.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Sunday September 21st, 2014 10:08pm

I'm happy you noticed the wizard exclusion. I came to the same conclusion in later quests as well.

That is indeed the forge tile. I will be sure to put it on the tile pack. I included two weapon racks because I acquired a second. I might keep it in my personal quest book and just upload a different version for you guys. maybe not.

I actually also have tiles to represent the townfolk, so I might not have imaginary NPCs. Some of these rules might also be explained in a "new rules" booklet as well and might not need to be included in the quests. I'll work on that. Keep the feedback coming, I'll take notes and run through the complete lineup of quest drafts to do final tweaks some time this week. In the meantime. I have all the drafts done! Here you are.

Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Dragon Strike Quest pack

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Sunday September 21st, 2014 10:13pm

Also, note I rearranged some of the quests. You can't very well have Darkfyre appear and attack the heroes in The Body Thief or Dragon Rider if he died during Darkfyre's Lair. Likewise, if Teraptus dies during The Body Thief, he can't very well appear during Dragon Rider. I could certainly include more details about what happens in Dragon Rider once the Dragon Orb is destroyed.

I also left tons of blank spaces here. I'm going to tally the leftover items and divvy them up. I can include a list here if you would like to assist.

I guess I still have to do the solo quest as well. That one depends heavily on d8 dice, so I'm still thinking it through. I'll be back some time this week (the nephew is coming over again). I'll be reading until then, but not adding to maps.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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