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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
StratosVX wrote:I'll do it so long as you don't have an issue with the way mine are formatted. You can see the way they are here: Archived Quests
Malcadon wrote:Thanks for the scans, StratosVX!
My own cards are somewhat beat-upped and stained.
StratosVX wrote:Malcadon wrote:Thanks for the scans, StratosVX!
My own cards are somewhat beat-upped and stained.
No problem! I'm actually trying to recreate them too, I'm just stuck on what the fonts are. I have yet to be able to find out what fonts were used on all of them. I think I've discovered the font used for the descriptive text on the cards, but that's all so far. If you happen to know what they are, I'll finish recreating them.
drathe wrote:You looking for the HeroQuest font types?
If yes: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1503&p=16429#p16429
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