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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
StratosVX wrote:Sorry, I haven't been following like I was. I've been busy lately. I can't get the quest you posted to download so the text is legible. It looks like it was saved too small or it was down-rezed too much...
Schmidt wrote:Aka nephew of nephew of mentor
Nephew of Mentor wrote:I fixed the errors pointed out to me and also rearranged some furniture(I realized the castle isn't always the same castle even though the city is always the same city). I will upload photos tomorrow, as well as a buttload of questions. But for appetizers, what do you think of my decision to change DS gargoyles to imps? I initially also changed the giant to a golem, though I am rethinking that. Still, compared to the ATOH ogres, I think the giant might not measure up both in stats and stature. He really isn't all that big, so I don't know.
Nephew of Mentor wrote:I was also thinking of removing the ability to search for treasure in an outside setting, just to simplify borders.
Nephew of Mentor wrote:Quest 2 is here and up for review. I think I'm going to tackle the solo quest next. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this quest. Here you go!
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