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Daedalus wrote:Looks like I replied to this on the wrong site. Since I read here that you don't want a lot of color, I'd support your idea of some color--kinda like the original Dragon Strike cards.
Jazzdrummer wrote:Hi Malcadon,
I know this is an extremely old thread so I hope you get my post. I wanted to try some of your houserules but I had question concerning sneaking and sneak attack (without cards)...
-The first part says "if the thief is alone and encounters a monster..." Does this mean that the thief needs to be out of line of sight of the monster before trying to stealth? Can thief's own party members be with him when he tries to stealth?
-When attacking a monster that is engaged with another hero, does the thief need to make a Dexterity feat check every time he wants to use sneak attack? Or does it only work on the first attack?
Thanks. Hope you get this.
Jazzdrummer wrote:Ah okay that makes sense. Yea I just got a copy of this old game recently and I'm having a blast playing it but the sneak attack cards didn't make a lot of sense. So really the thief can decide to stealth at any time, but in this case, the dragon master would roll the die instead of the thief. I like that much better than what I Last night my wife was playing as the dragon master and I was controlling the thief, elf, and warrior. I announced that my thief was going to sneak down this passage to see what's down there. I roll a lousy 5 and say "well I guess not!" So it seemed odd that my thief would know himself whether or not he's being sneaky. Also once I roll a sneak check, do I need to continue rolling them every turn? Or do I just wait and see if a monster notices the thief?
Okay how about sneak attacks against monsters that are engaged in melee with other heroes. Does the thief need to flank the monster at all or just be in any square adjacent? Last night I played it the latter. I would move the thief in position and every time it was the thief's turn I would roll a non-action dexterity feat check and, if successful, I would get to roll a d12. Otherwise a d8 as normal for the thief. Does that sound right? Thanks again for answering this old thread. This game is a blast! Very D&D lite.
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