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The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaign

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Tuesday August 2nd, 2016 11:15pm

I'll post a play-thru of this game once I can just to kinda show step by step.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Thursday August 4th, 2016 6:16pm

Added the "Door Rule" I have been using to play it; As for the step by step gameplay I will be posting that up as soon as I can. Probably a little later today as I am working on my Chaos Cultists for my other Campaign.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Big Bene » Friday August 5th, 2016 7:27am

I like the concept very much.
Summing it all up, it's a randomized dungeon system a la, using the ingeniousely simple HQ ruleset and board.

For establishing the contents of a room (furniture/doors/trpas), I would prefer cards over dice, because you can more easily specify the locations where they should be placed, you can include more stylish designs (if you like this), plus, it would be more in line with original HQ, which never uses dice with tables.
Have a look ;)

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Friday August 5th, 2016 1:12pm

Big Bene wrote:I like the concept very much.
Summing it all up, it's a randomized dungeon system a la, using the ingeniousely simple HQ ruleset and board.

For establishing the contents of a room (furniture/doors/trpas), I would prefer cards over dice, because you can more easily specify the locations where they should be placed, you can include more stylish designs (if you like this), plus, it would be more in line with original HQ, which never uses dice with tables.

I thought about using cards for a while before making this but at the end of the day it seemed simpler to just release the Quest book with rolling tables instead of forcing people to download a bunch of cards and have to print those out as well. Obviously you could just as easily make cards based on the tables and expand more on it but that's up to you. I may try something like that but at the moment I am focused on Chaos' Horde another Campaign book I am making which is taking up quite a bit of time and the reason I haven't shown a game yet.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby cornixt » Friday August 5th, 2016 2:12pm

The biggest failing at the moment is that too much choice is given to the player(s). There is a lot of "assign numbers to these things and roll a dice to pick one" where you should probably define things a bit more beforehand.

Using the monster cards to see what monster is in a room will skew it badly - Gargoyles will come up as often as Goblins!

A single page with all the tables on would be very handy.

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Friday August 5th, 2016 2:32pm

cornixt wrote:The biggest failing at the moment is that too much choice is given to the player(s). There is a lot of "assign numbers to these things and roll a dice to pick one" where you should probably define things a bit more beforehand.

Using the monster cards to see what monster is in a room will skew it badly - Gargoyles will come up as often as Goblins!

A single page with all the tables on would be very handy.

There is a single page with all the tables on it. And like I say in the book if you don't want to face a gargoyle or tougher monsters take them out of the Monster Deck. As for assigning numbers that makes it more random and LESS player driven. Otherwise you could place it anywhere you like. Yes you can place more numbers on one wall or area but you would just be cheating yourself at that point.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby cornixt » Friday August 5th, 2016 4:35pm

There are a few sections that have info that should be in tables but aren't. The traps rule, the doors rule, the areas of the blank map should be all assigned numbers and on that page. Have tables for randomising the map used and the quest types. Yes, people can choose to assign numbers to things but you should do it for them first and then let them ignore it if they want.

Telling people that they can change the make-up of the monster deck is not helpful - you should define how many of each should be in there for a normal quest so that they get a more even distribution of lots of weaker monster and fewer strong monsters. Since you have a D20 table for the number of monsters you could easily make more instances of 1/2/3 goblins and the gargoyle only appear on his own. Or gargoyle with a retinue, or a mixture of orcs and goblins, etc.

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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Friday August 5th, 2016 5:31pm

cornixt wrote:There are a few sections that have info that should be in tables but aren't. The traps rule, the doors rule, the areas of the blank map should be all assigned numbers and on that page. Have tables for randomising the map used and the quest types. Yes, people can choose to assign numbers to things but you should do it for them first and then let them ignore it if they want.

Telling people that they can change the make-up of the monster deck is not helpful - you should define how many of each should be in there for a normal quest so that they get a more even distribution of lots of weaker monster and fewer strong monsters. Since you have a D20 table for the number of monsters you could easily make more instances of 1/2/3 goblins and the gargoyle only appear on his own. Or gargoyle with a retinue, or a mixture of orcs and goblins, etc.

The traps rule doesn't have a table because there is an infinite amount of traps a player can have from homebrews to expansions, some of those traps may be more dangerous than others so you may want them to come up less. Hence why it is up to the player to figure out what's best for them. The Door rule is the same. You may be able to set up 2 doors in one room but in the next can only set up 1 or maybe 3. It's up to you to allocate the roll to the direction. Or you can make it easier on yourself by buying a scatter die from GW. It is up to you to allocate numbers to the blank map. Obviously if others wanted this I could but it's easy to do on your own. And as for the maps, it's easy to roll, why do you need a table when there are 6 maps and 6 sides of the red die? Seems silly to me. And much to the same for game types. Then you can change it up based on how much you like each game type or map if you want. Or vote the old fashioned way amongst friends.

Actually allowing them to change the deck is quite helpful. They may have more monsters than you, some from expansions, homebrews. This allows them to figure out their preferance for the game. If you want to print out/buy more of a specific monstercard that is up to you. But much like the traps, and even furniture there is an infinite amount of monsters each doing more or less damage based on their own homebrewed rules.

That is what this Campaign book is all about, being easily adaptable to your own version of the game with as many additions as you want, including maps.

At the end of the day all you're doing is nitpicking, you don't have to play this campaign and you can also make your own tables based on YOUR rules and monsters.
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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby cornixt » Monday August 8th, 2016 9:48am

Wolf wrote:At the end of the day all you're doing is nitpicking,

You asked for opinions, I hope I'm not coming across as being rude, I haven't even started on the formatting of the document. Just assign a number to each of my comments and roll D6 to see which ones you can ignore.


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Re: The Death of Zargon/DM-less (Co-Op/Singleplayer) Campaig

Postby Wolf » Monday August 8th, 2016 7:31pm

cornixt wrote:
Wolf wrote:At the end of the day all you're doing is nitpicking,

You asked for opinions, I hope I'm not coming across as being rude, I haven't even started on the formatting of the document. Just assign a number to each of my comments and roll D6 to see which ones you can ignore.


Yeah, opinions on a DM-less game created for ALL versions of Heroquest with an unlimited amount of monsters, cards, traps, etc. And you seem to have missed that somewhere along the way of reading this.

If it isn't certain for anyone else:


I finally have some time off today to work on the play through to show it off. For the play through I will only be using what is in the original Heroquest Game System North American box. Obviously I will be playing this with my expanded rules and monsters when I can and if anybody wants I can show that off as well. |_P
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